Abnormality Physiology (2024)


  • 1 Abnormality Physiology
  • 2 Distortions
  • 3 Ordeals
  • 4 Abnormalities
    • 4.1 Weakened Abnormalities inside of their book should have:
    • 4.2 Weakened Abnormalities outside of their book should have:
    • 4.3 Abnormalities at their peak should have:
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 References
  • 7 Discussions

Abnormality Physiology[]

Abnormalities are beings born from the subconscious of mankind. While natural examples of Abnormalities exist, a vast majority of them were created by Lobotomy Corporation itself by taking the "Light" deep within humanity and manifestating it physically. In all cases, Abnormalities originate from the "Well of Humanity", the realm containing the collective unconscious of humanity.

Their shape and powers vary wildly, but they generally take the form of monsters, supernatural humans or anomalous objects. Regardless of their appearance, all Abnormalities possess a will and some degree of human emotion, as they come from the human mind and usually represents a repressed desire.

The term "Abnormality" here includes three different kind of beings that are very similar in nature and origin, while possessing unique characteristics. These are the following:

  • Distortions: Distortions are monsters born as a result of the Distortion Phenomenon. After the Tree of Light was cut short, the Light gathered by Lobotomy Corporation was released into every human of the City. As a result, strong negative emotions might result in people turning into Distortions after a certain period of invisible "growth". Those who can get past their inner turmoils can temporarily or permanently manifest their Distortions as weapons, known as E.G.O. Weapons or Psychoment. It is also to be noted that Distortions such as Bloodfiends existed even before the Lobotomy Corporation did.
  • Ordeals: Ordeals are strange entities that originates from the Well of Humanity, where the subconscious of humanity resides. Unlike the intended Abnormalities, Ordeals are described as "impurities" mixed in with the subconscious "water" drawn out of the Well in order to create Abnormalities. When this process isn't executed perfectly, Ordeals manifest. Ordeals seemingly cannot be controlled by Lobotomy Corporation and will keep reappearing from the depths of the Well in order to cause mayhem. The Corporation can only temporarily keep them in check at the end of each day.
  • Abnormalities: Proper Abnormalities are the monsters contained and used by Lobotomy Corporation itself in order to achieve their goals. They are made through extracting the "Light" found in humanity and injecting it inside a human as "Cogito", transforming them into Abnormalities. The relationship between Abnormalities and Distortions isn't clear, but Abnormalities are considered the "final" stage of a Distortion, which can happen when Distortions have their emotions stirred even further until they reach their final stage. It is also mentioned that Abnormalities are born through outside interferences rather than naturally like Distortions are.


  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Although the specifics of the Distortions vary, they should all at the very least have superhuman durability, and most have superhuman strength and speed)
  • Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation and Fear Manipulation (It is implied that seeing a Distortion normally causes people to panic,[1] in likely a similar yet weaker way as Abnormalities. Distortions can directly affect the mind,[2] and it has been shown some can directly interact with thoughts[3])
  • Limited Transformation (The manifestation of a Distortion naturally causes their associate human to mutate into a Distortion. It is implied all Distortions can become their Abnormality selves eventually)
  • Acausality: (Type 4. Like the Library, Distortions cannot be read by the Gaze's Office causality-reading machine despite it being able to track causality across multiple universes. None of the processes behind their functionment can be read or detected, only the result of said processes)
  • Resistance to Information Analysis (Distortions cannot have their components or constituents identified)
  • Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation and Fear Manipulation (Distortions should be able to resist their own passive mind manipulation, Distortions aren't affected by abilities that inflict Sinking or cause damage to one's sanity.[4])


All of the previous to a higher degree

  • Greater Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Fear Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (Ordeals share this property with Abnormalities. Who cause those who view them to suffer intense fear, with even ZAYIN class Abnormalities being superior to distortions, while ALEPH class Abnormalities can drive Level 1 agents, who have a far greater mental fortitude than normal human beings, insane. As direct manifestations of the Well of Humanity, their visage should be able to inflict similar effects to it, which breaks the boundary between a person's mind and the Well. They also cause intense hallucinations, which make the victim attack their allies, and actively help the Abnormalities)
  • Acausality (Types 1 and 3. Ordeals exist simultaneously across all of time, and even Ordeals who do not presently exist in our time are capable of manifesting in the present. Due to Ordeals existing across all of time, destroying them in the present doesn't affect them in the future or in the past, and as such they can continue to re-manifest)
  • Immortality (Types 1, 4 and 8. Ordeals are immortal in a similar way to Abnormalities, and and will always re-manifest after being destroyed in body, mind and soul. According to Binah, Ordeals exist within the Well as abstract archetypes until they manifest into reality. Even individually unique Ordeals like the Midnight ordeals or the Fixers will manifest again later, even after death)
  • Abstract Existence (Type 2. Ordeals, like Abnormalities, exists as abstract ideas in the Well of Humanity. They manifest in the physical world from times to time and will always do so even after death, as long as their original selves in the Well exists)
  • Teleportation and Dimensional Travel (Ordeals can manifest in the physical world at will)
  • Energy Manipulation (Ordeals being defeated produces enough Enkephalin to cover a large portion of the facility's needs for the day)
  • Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Fear Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (All Ordeals are immune to the passive fear aura of Abnormalities, even CENSORED's)
  • Resistance to Damage Types (All Ordeals naturally resist Damage Types better than Clerks can)


Weakened Abnormalities inside of their book should have:[]

  • Superhuman Physical Characteristics (All of the weakened Abnormalities should minimally be capable of fighting superhuman fixers)
  • Immortality (Types 1, 4 and 8. Abnormalities inside the Library are given a body by Angela and thus, like Librarian, should be always re-created whenever they die or are destroyed)
  • Limited Abstract Existence (Type 2. Their true selves exist as mental concepts. While they can survive their body being destroyed, they cannot regain a physical form after this without the immortality granted by Angela)
  • Acausality (Type 4. Should have similar properties to Distortions)
  • Resistance to Information Analysis (Should have similar properties to Distortions)

Weakened Abnormalities outside of their book should have:[]

  • Abstract Existence (Type 1. Abnormalities in this state exist solely as mental concepts. They can only interact with the physical world through the Distortion phenomenon)
  • Incorporeality
  • Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation and Morality Manipulation (Abstract Abnormalities can inhabit the mind of some psychologically unstable people. Their prolonged existence inside the mind of others can twist their emotions and mindset to resemble the desire the individual Abnormality incarnates)
  • Transformation (An individual drawing too much power from an Abnormality that has inhabited them will be changed physically, up to and including being completely turned into the Abnormality in question)
  • Creation (A person with an Abnormality inside of them can draw from their power and create E.G.O. weapons or armor out of them)
  • Acausality (Type 4. Should have similar properties to Distortions)
  • Resistance to Information Analysis (Should have similar properties to Distortions)

Abnormalities at their peak should have:[]

All of the previous, excluding Abstract Existence Type 1, Incorporeality, Dimensional Travel and Teleportation

  • Immortality - (Type 2; Abnormalities are stated to be unable to die even after losing a head or spinal cord,[5] and are shown to be capable of casually moving and fighting even after losing parts of their body[6])
  • Limited Transformation (The shape of Abnormalities can change over time through unknown mechanisms, but implied to be related to perception)
  • Abstract Existence (Type 2. Abnormalities are physical manifestations of archetypes from humanity given physical form. They are very similar to Ordeals and can survive being reduced to a non-physical state should they run out of energy, existing solely mentally)
  • Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Fear Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (All Abnormalities are immune to the passive fear aura of Abnormalities, even CENSORED's, and are incapable of entering a panic state even after being hit by attacks that reduce sanity[7])
  • Limited Resistance to Power Nullification (Abnormalities can, over time, overpower Qliphoth Deterrence and escape, which would usually weaken and pacify them. More powerful Abnormalities can do it in far shorter time periods, only requiring slight mistakes by Employees to escape)


Distortions are forms of Abnormalities that have not fully progressed into one, and as such Abnormalities and Ordeals alike obtain their abilities and resistances. Ordeals are "impurities" that come with the bucketing process Binah uses, with both them and Abnormalities coming from the Well of Humanity, and as such Ordeals have all the powers Abnormalities do.

The passive mind hax of Abnormalities and Ordeals are 4D, and the teleportation of Ordeals is interdimensional.


  1. Library of Ruina - Mei's Page Story
  2. Distortion Detective
  3. Distortion Detective
  4. Limbus Company - Hell's Kitchen, Papa Bongy fight
  5. Limbus Company - Mirror Dungeon, Uncanny Presentiment Encounter
  6. Limbus Company - Canto I
  7. Limbus Company - Loading Screen


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Abnormality Physiology (2024)


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