Lessons from the European Union’s inaugural Hydrogen Bank auction (2024)

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The EU’s first subsidy auction for renewable hydrogen went about as well as could have been hoped

Publishing date
23 May 2024
Ben McWilliamsJames Kneebone
Lessons from the European Union’s inaugural Hydrogen Bank auction (1)

Millions of tonnes of fossil hydrogen are produced in the European Union using natural gas as a feedstock, resulting in roughly 12 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions for every tonne of hydrogen. Production of hydrogen using water and renewable electricity can eliminate those emissions, but currently costs substantially more. To bridge some of that cost gap, or ‘green premium’, the EU has developed the European Hydrogen Bank (EHB), a subsidy mechanism to support the production of renewable hydrogen, aiming to increase private investment within the EU and globally1See European Commission Hydrogen Bank explainer, undated, https://energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/energy-systems-integration/hydrogen/…..

The EHB is a ‘pay-as-bid’ auction mechanism, with prospective hydrogen producers bidding for a fixed subsidy per kilogramme of renewable hydrogen produced. Importantly, all bids must include credible evidence of preliminary contractual agreements with buyers. The first auction closed on 30 April 2024 and allocated €720 million to seven renewable hydrogen projects, with an additional €2.2 billion reserved for a second auction.

Winning bids were lower than expected. This means the EHB pot can support greater volumes than anticipated, though these volumes remain very small in the context of political targets2See European Commission, ‘Supporting clean hydrogen’, undated, https://single-market-economy.ec.europa.eu/industry/strategy/hydrogen_en..The low bids also imply some buyers are willing to pay a large share of the ‘green premium’ for renewable hydrogen over fossil hydrogen.

Notably, winning bids all originated from the Iberian Peninsula or the Nordics, areas with competitive renewable energy resources. This suggests a strong investmentpull effect from renewable availability3See Eicke et al (2023) for a discussion of the renewable pull hypothesis..

Political ambition exceeds joint funding reality

Assuming that winning projects go ahead and similar bids are submitted in the second auction round later this year, the EHB’s endowment of €3 billion should translate into annual production of around 0.7 million tonnes (Mt) of renewable hydrogen by 2030 (with 6GW of electrolyser capacity). For context, the 2020 EU Hydrogen Strategy set a target to produce 10Mt of renewable hydrogen by 2030.

Specific and binding sectoral targets were agreed by the European Council in the revised Renewable Energy Directive (RED, EU/2023/2413) (Robinson and Laurencin, 2023). For industry (like ammonia producers), 42.5 percent of the hydrogen supply must be renewable by 2030. Renewable hydrogen products should constitute at least 1 percent of fuel supplied to the transport sector by 2030. We calculate that these obligations amount to roughly 4Mt of clean hydrogen demand, based on current fuel demand in these sectors. Figure 1 illustrates that the EHB alone is insufficient for reaching those targets.

Large private companies’ willingness to pay for renewable hydrogen

The cost of producing renewable hydrogen in Europe exceeds that of fossil (natural gas-based) hydrogen by between €4 and €6 per kilogramme. The EHB set a first-round subsidy ceiling price of €4.50/kg, roughly equivalent to the green premium needed for the most competitive projects. However, the winning bids were less than 10 percent of this, at an average of €0.40/kg, meaning that the remaining 90 percent of the green premium is being covered by the end consumer and some other supply-side support we will discuss later.We can infer from these results that some European buyers are willing to pay a substantial premium for renewable hydrogen over fossil hydrogen (the blue box in Figure 2 is tall relative to the overall cost indicated in green).

This is good news for two reasons. First, it demonstrates that renewable hydrogen does not need to reach price parity with fossil hydrogen (or even close) to begin displacing meaningful volumes of the fossil incumbent. Second, the burden of narrowing that cost gap does not need to be carried solely by public funds.

Figure 2: Logic of the renewable hydrogen premium and public subsidy

Lessons from the European Union’s inaugural Hydrogen Bank auction (2)

Source: Bruegel.

For context, the winning bid prices in the EHB auction were a fraction of the roughly €11/kg subsidy for winning bids in the UK’s latest renewable hydrogen auction round, and well below the United States tax credit of $3/kg, which was created under the Inflation Reduction Act. This preliminary information suggests that the EU is getting very good value from its limited funds. The use of a competitive auction design helps, with projects receiving what they ‘need’ rather than what they ‘want’. Regulations that require existing fossil hydrogen consumers to switch to renewable hydrogen (ie the RED) also help.

Two caveats apply here. First, European projects receive further non-Hydrogen Bank financial support. From 2025, renewable hydrogen producers will be considered like their fossil counterparts in the EU emissions trading system (ETS). Consequently, they will receive a share of free carbon allowances. Fossil hydrogen producers must use the allowances to compensate for their carbon emissions, but for renewable producers with no emissions to declare, these allowances can be sold for profit. The action is intended to create a level playing field whilst allowing the carbon price to function. We calculate that these could be worth roughly €0.7/kg based on recent ETS prices, although the number of free credits allocated will already begin to be phased down from 2026.

Second, the winning bids from this first auction round should be operational by 2028 and therefore exempt for 10 years from the obligation to comply with the ‘additionality’ principle for renewable electricity generation4Defined under a RED delegated act. See European Commission press release of 20 June 2023, ‘Renewable hydrogen production: new rules formally adopted’, https://energy.ec.europa.eu/news/renewable-hydrogen-production-new-rule….. The exemption allows projects to use previously subsidised renewable electricity capacity, which comprises a large share of the capital investment for a renewable hydrogen project. This additional cost will be relevant for future projects (though second-round winners are also likely to be exempt).

Renewable pressures for the map of industrial geography

The most competitive bids were clustered in the northernmost and southernmost regions of the EU (illustrated by darker green shading in Figure 3), where renewable electricity is the cheapest. This supports the ‘renewable pull’ hypothesis for energy-intensive manufacturing industries, for which theoretical evidence is provided by Verpoort et al(2024).

Figure 3: Average cost of hydrogen (€/kg) implied from Hydrogen Bank bids

The disbursem*nt of EU support for clean technologies is geo-agnostic and driven by techno-economic analysis to identify the most competitive projects. That is the case both for the EHB and the broaderInnovation Fund, which supports green tech5Funded from EU ETS revenues; see European Commission, ‘Innovation Fund: Deploying innovative net-zero technologies for climate neutrality’, undated, https://cinea.ec.europa.eu/programmes/innovation-fund_en.. If competitiveness is increasingly determined by a ‘renewable pull’, difficulties will arise in reconciling European economic efficiency with national political interest.

An innovative feature of the EHB is its offer for ‘auctions-as-a-service’. Participating countries can contribute domestic funds to the wider European auction, which are then used to support their most competitive domestic bids that did not clear under the European-wide budget threshold. This financial support benefits from special treatment under state aid procedures (European Commission, 2024).

The EHB auctions-as-a-service mechanism means countries can use national subsidies to protect or grow domestic hydrogen production. Germany is the sole country to have used this feature so far, contributing €350 million6See European Commission press release of 5 April 2024, ‘Commission approves €350 million German State aid scheme to support renewable hydrogen production’, https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_24_657.through auctions-as-a-service to support 0.09 GW of domestic projects in the first round. The same €350 million distributed to the most efficient European project would have supported approximately 0.7 GW or around eight times more capacity. Austria is reportedly7Rachel Parkes, ‘Austria earmarks €400m to subsidise domestic green hydrogen projects, using EU auctions-as-a-service’, Hydrogen Insight, 28 February 2024, https://www.hydrogeninsight.com/production/austria-earmarks-400m-to-sub….also poised to contribute €400 million to clear domestic projects at a similar bid price to Germany.

A tension may emerge between regions with natural competitiveness for renewably fuelled energy-intensive sectors and fiscally powerful countries with existing competitiveness in fossil-fuelled energy-intensive sectors. Striking the correct balance between exploiting areas of renewable abundance while managing existing areas of industrial agglomeration, across the European Union, will be essential. Nevertheless, the results of the first EHB auction were as positive as could have been hoped for the EU’s clean hydrogen goals.


Eicke, L., N. Kramer and R. Quitzow (2023) ‘How Decarbonization Will Transform the Geography of Industrial Production: New Evidence on the “Renewables Pull” Hypothesis’, RIFS Blog, 29 December, available athttps://www.rifs-potsdam.de/en/blog/2023/12/how-decarbonization-will-transform-geography-industrial-production-new-evidence#

European Commission (2024) ‘Auctions-as-a-Service for Member States’, Concept Note, available at https://climate.ec.europa.eu/system/files/2023-11/policy_funding_innovation_conceptpaper_auctionsasaservice.pdf

Robinson, C. and C. Laurencin (2023) ‘Europe back in the driving seat? Europe agrees on renewable hydrogen consumption targets’, S&P Global Blog, 5 April, available athttps://www.spglobal.com/commodityinsights/en/ci/research-analysis/back-in-the-driving-seat-europe-agrees-on-renewable-hydrogen-c.html

Verpoort, P.C., L. Gast, A. Hofmann and F. Ueckerdt (2024) ‘Impact of global heterogeneity of renewable energy supply on heavy industrial production and green value chains’, Nature Energy 9: 491-503, available athttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41560-024-01492-z

Lessons from the European Union’s inaugural Hydrogen Bank auction (2024)


Lessons from the European Union’s inaugural Hydrogen Bank auction? ›

Political ambition exceeds joint funding reality

What are the key actions of the EU hydrogen strategy? ›

Key actions of the EU Hydrogen Strategy
  • An investment agenda for the EU.
  • Boosting demand for and scaling up production.
  • Designing an enabling and supportive framework.
  • The international dimension.

What is the European hydrogen regulation? ›

On 21 May 2024, the Council of the EU adopted the Hydrogen and Decarbonized Gas Market Package. It aims to shift the gas system to low-carbon and renewable gases, and provides for the highly anticipated framework on dedicated hydrogen networks.

What are the EU hydrogen ambitions? ›

The priority for the EU is to develop renewable hydrogen and it aims to produce 10 million tonnes and import 10 million tonnes by 2030.

What is the EU hydrogen target for 2030? ›

The European Union has decided to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase green hydrogen production. The target is the local production of 10 million tons of renewable hydrogen (as well as imports of 10 million tons) per year by 2030.

What is the target of the EU hydrogen strategy? ›

Under the impact assessment, hydrogen is set to play a key role in the decarbonisation of hard to abate industry and transport, with production of 20 to 35 million tons (Mt) of renewable-based hydrogen expected by 2040, depending on the chosen scenario.

What is the National hydrogen strategy EU? ›

European hydrogen strategies

By 2030, the EU is committed to have 40 GW of hydrogen electrolyzer capacity. This is almost twice the capacity of China's Three Gorges Dam, the world's largest power plant. To achieve this goal, the EU is aiming for as much as EUR470 billion of public and private investments by 2050.

What are the three colors of hydrogen? ›

But isn't Hydrogen a colourless gas? Yes, but each colour corresponds to a different extraction process. The three most common types of hydrogen are grey, blue, and green hydrogen. Grey hydrogen is currently the most common, and the cheapest, form of hydrogen production.

How big is the hydrogen market in the EU? ›

Market size Volume in 20229.2 million tonnes
Market size Volume by 203214 million tonnes
Growth RateCAGR of 4.13% from 2023 to 2032
Base year for estimation2023
7 more rows

What is the European hydrogen Bank? ›

The European Hydrogen Bank, announced by President von der Leyen in her State of the European Union address in 2022, is an initiative to facilitate the EU's domestic production and imports of renewable hydrogen.

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A hydrogen network reusing the existing gas network could not only help to supply the demand for low-emission fuels but could also balance variations in wind and solar energies across the continent and thus avoid power grid expansion.

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Hydrogen Europe Research is an international, non–profit association composed of more than 150 Universities and Research & Technology Organisations (RTO) from 29 countries all over Europe and beyond. Our members are active within the European hydrogen and fuel cells sector.

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Hydrogen Bank auctions

Together, the winning bidders plan to produce 1.58 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen over ten years, avoiding more than 10 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. Individual grant agreements will be prepared between each selected project and CINEA and are expected to be signed by November 2024.

What is the future outlook of hydrogen? ›

By 2050, clean hydrogen demand could account for up to 73 to 100 percent (125 to 585 Mtpa) of total hydrogen demand, with only between less than 1 and 50 Mtpa of demand being met by grey hydrogen, depending on the scenario. After 2025, nearly all new hydrogen production coming online is expected to be clean hydrogen.

What is hydrogen mission 2025? ›

Green Hydrogen Hubs

Development of necessary infrastructure for such hubs will be supported under the Mission. It is planned to set up at least two such Green Hydrogen hubs in the initial phase. Outlay of ₹ 400 crore up to 2025-26 for Hubs and other projects.

Is hydrogen economy the future? ›

Hydrogen will certainly play a role in a sustainable energy future. It will be retrieved from water by electrolysis. The electricity needed for this process will be harvested from renewable energy sources. Hydrogen will thus become a carrier for electricity transport from sources to users.

What is the strategy of the European energy Union? ›

The Commission's strategic long-term vision for a prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy by 2050. The energy union will help to provide secure, affordable and clean energy for EU citizens and businesses.

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Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy sets a vision for a clean, innovative, safe and competitive hydrogen industry that benefits all Australians. It aims to position our industry as a major global player by 2030. The hydrogen strategy: explores Australia's clean hydrogen potential.

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The European Union – a shrinking gas market

The EU's strategic response to the war in Ukraine, REPowerEU, aims to eliminate dependence on Russian pipeline gas by 2027 and halve overall gas demand by 2030.

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National Strategy

The National Hydrogen Strategy (EN-H2) [IM1] was released in August 2020 by the Portuguese Ministry for Environment and Climate Action, with alignment to the 2050 Carbon Neutral Roadmap (RNC 2050) and the 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan (PNEC 2030).


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