Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (2024)

By: AlyssaRating 95 Comments on Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies

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These toasted coconut quinoa breakfast cookies use no flour, butter or oil and are naturally sweetened using honey and ripe banana.

Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (1)

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I've been testing something pretty awesomefor you the last few days: quinoa breakfast cookies.

I'm sure you've seen oatmeal breakfast cookies before, and perhaps even made them yourself, but I wanted to give them an even healthier spin by adding in quinoa flakes.

Quinoa flakes are one of my favorite ways to use quinoa, especially in breakfast foods. Not only do they make great hot cereal (remember my Blueberry Breakfast Quinoa?), but they're also are a key ingredient in my Gluten-Free Blueberry Pancakes, waffles, granola and now, cookies.

I find that quinoa flakes are a great alternative (or complement in this case) to oats. For those who are sensitive to oats, you can often use quinoa flakes in place of them. But I also like quinoa flakes because unlike oats, they don't make the recipe feel heavy, and theyadd justa touch more protein.

Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (2)

These Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies kicked off my obsession with dessert for breakfast. Since sharing this recipe, I have since created NINE other flavors including Chunky Monkey Quinoa Breakfast Cookies, Carrot Cake Quinoa Breakfast Cookies, and Blueberry Muffin Quinoa Breakfast Cookies, which just so happen to be my top three favorites.

And they are the perfect way to start your day. I mean, first of all, they're cookies, so there's one reason to fall in love. Who doesn't want to be able to eat nutritious and delicious cookies for breakfast? Pretty much a dream come true for yours truly.

These recipes are full oftons of healthy goodies. They don't require any flour which I love, and start with a base ofcreamy cashew butter, which has been sweetenedwith local honey and an overly ripe banana, then mixed with a combination of chewy oats, light quinoa flakes, toasted coconut and omega-3 packed chia seeds.

Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (3)

But let don't their simple ingredient list fool you.

These cookies are flavorful, rich and full of fiber,complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. So basically,they'll fuel you up and help keep you full all morning long. Plus, they make a great on-the-go breakfast so make a big batch tonight and have them for breakfast for the rest of the week!

Happy cookie eating 🙂

xx Alyssa

More Healthy & Delicious Quinoa Breakfast Cookies to try:

  • Carrot Cake Quinoa Breakfast Cookies
  • Blueberry Muffin Quinoa Breakfast Cookies
  • Pumpkin Pie Quinoa Breakfast Cookies
  • Chunky Monkey Quinoa Breakfast Cookies
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Quinoa Breakfast Cookies
  • Apple Pie Quinoa Breakfast Cookies

Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies

4.7 from 26 votes

Who doesn't want to be able to eat nutritious and delicious cookies for breakfast? These Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies are pretty much a dream come true for yours truly.

author: Alyssa

yield: 12 Cookies

Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (4)

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Prep: 10 minutes minutes

Cook: 15 minutes minutes

Total: 25 minutes minutes



  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.

  • Toast the coconut flakes in a dry skillet over medium heat until golden brown. Set aside to let cool.

  • Add cashew butter, honey, banana, egg and vanilla in a large bowl. Mix until combined. Add oats, quinoa flakes, baking powder and salt to the bowl and stir together. Fold in toasted coconut and chia seeds.

  • Spoon 2 tablespoons of dough onto the baking sheet and repeat until no dough remains.

  • Bake cookies on center rack for 15 - 18 minutes until edges are golden brown. Remove and let cool on the pan for 5 minutes then transfer to a wire rack and cool completely.

  • Enjoy at room temp or slightly reheated in a microwave.



Serving: 1g | Calories: 161kcal | Carbohydrates: 18g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 9g | Saturated Fat: 3g | Cholesterol: 13mg | Sodium: 33mg | Potassium: 175mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 7g | Vitamin A: 25IU | Vitamin C: 0.8mg | Calcium: 36mg | Iron: 1.3mg

cuisine: American

course: Breakfast, Snack


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Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (5)

Filed Under:

  • Breakfast
  • Cookies
  • Dairy Free
  • Dessert
  • Gluten-Free
  • Oven
  • Quick Recipes
  • Recipes

Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (6)

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Toasted Coconut Quinoa Breakfast Cookies - Best Quinoa Cookies Recipe! (2024)


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