White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (2024)

a daily digest from the White POV

Chicago becomes the latest city to propose a teen curfew because this weekend 49 people were shot in Chicago and 9 are dead. American cities don’t have gun problem, they have a “teen” problem. The video makes clear which teens.



Some Old Testament Mimesis? Semele, Dionysus’s human mother, saw Zeus and did not live

‘No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declaredhim.’

Gospel of John 1:18 KJV

‘And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.’

Exodus 33:20 KJV

BelowJupiter[i.e. Zeus]et Semele(1894) by Gustave Moreau (1826–1898).

Hera tricks Semele into viewing Zeus in all His Glory, a lightning bolt strikes her, and she dies.

The Old Testament is full of memes that the presence of God is fatal to humanity. Touch god’s box—The Hebrew word: ‘teibhah’ really means: ‘box’, however the KJV word: ‘Ark’ seems to have stuck with us—or God’s mountain, and God will kill you. Perhaps the writers of the Old Testament had an antitheistic streak in them, as the antitheistic atheist would wholeheartedly agree with them that the presence of gods is fatal to humanity.

I sometimes wonder if the narrative arc of the Torah, where God leads an entire nation out into the wilderness to perish, is an antitheistic satire of God. The Torah was written before the Jews had invented an afterlife. God promises a nation a land of milk and honey. Instead, he leads them out into the desert to die. God—or rather His mouthpieces—seldom keeps His promises.

God torments his followers with all manner of calamities… like fiery serpents.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (1)


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The following is being reported as having occurred in Fair Lawn, New Jersey back in September 2017:

‘A Fair Lawn resident paid $913 for $228 worth of food at the Kosher Nosh Deli, in spite of attempts to get the overpayment reversed.

A representative of the restaurant said he felt it was more of a banking issue that has probably been resolved.”

I’m here for the community,” the restaurant representative said on the phone on Oct. 3. “I would never overcharge anyone.”

Sept. 25, a Fair Lawn resident purchased goods at the Kosher Nosh Deli on Prospect Street worth $228.25 but inadvertently used her daughter’s debit card, according to a Glen Rock Police report.

The transaction was declined twice before the customer realized her error. The woman then paid with her own debit card.

Shortly thereafter, her daughter found both transactions on her ATM card had gone through totalling $456.50.

At the recommendation of her bank, the woman returned to Kosher Nosh to resolve the issue. When the cashier attempted to rectify the matter, the manager allegedly reversed the transaction.

This resulted in another $456.50 deducted from the daughter’s account and paid to Kosher Nosh.

The complainant has filed a dispute through the bank in an attempt to have a total of $913 returned to her account.’(1)

So basically, the jewish-owned Kosher Nosh Deli took mistakenly $456.50 from the customer and then when informed of the mistake; the jewish manager not only refused to refund the cash but actively reversed an employee’s transaction to process that refund.

In other words; the jews concerned are stealing.

But then jews do think that property belonging to non-jews really belongs to them.

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White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (8)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (9)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (10)


James Kirkpatrick


Just pure biomass, reproducing like yeast. It’s wild how you have these tiny European countries that contribute so much to the world and then Third World countries with infinite millions that could disappear tomorrow with the only result that we’d pay less in foreign aid.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (11)




Egypt has over 100 million people. What perplexes me is… what do they all do? They can’t all give tours of the pyramids, or weave bedsheets. I truly don’t get how a couple of free pita breads a day yields that many people. What is their economy based on? How do they keep going? x.com/bronzeagemanti…

NEW: A ReformUK candidate has claimed the UK should have ‘taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality’ instead of fighting the Nazis [



White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (12)

Klaus Arminius



France: Judge refuses to deport Sudanese “refugee” who burned down 16 apartments, multiple cars, a Church, and seriously injuring 26 people. This is why Nationalism is rising in Europe. The courts are traitors who refuse to do their job.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (13)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (14)

Jake Shields


Almost 1/3rd of Americans arec skipping meals because our food prices are to high

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (15)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (16)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (17)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (18)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (19)

rare loyalty


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (20)

Tennis Ball



An American soldier’s letter from 1945, a week before he was killed in action: ‘We clean our rifles, and polish our shoes. To win this war, for the Goddamn Jews.’ #theNoticingContinues

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (21)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (22)

remember: the average lesbian has had more penis in her than the average normal woman. if i’m wrong, post it.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (23)


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Continuing on with my documentation of reality of the jewish involvement with Communism (aka Judeo-Bolshevism) after covering the neighbouring Baltic state of Lithuania: (1) I thought I’d cover Latvia.

Now Latvia is interesting in large part because it never really has had a significant communist party despite Latvians playing a significant early role in the Bolshevik Revolution alongside jews and indeed – despite literacy being used as an argument to excuse significant and sustained jewish involvement with Soviet officialdom and security apparatuses – Latvians were actually more literate than the jews but had little to serious long-term involvement with the same governmental and security structures showing that this is simply a badly-contrived excuse not a valid argument against Judeo-Bolshevism. (2)

The jewish involvement in communism in Latvia – as was the case in Lithuania – (3) is belied by their relatively small numbers in the population with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania between them only having approximately 265,000 jews by 1940, (4) which in turn breaks down as: (5)

Estonia: 4,434 jews (0.4 percent of the population) in 1934.

Latvia: 93,479 jews (4.8 percent of the population) in 1935.

Lithuania: 153,745 (7.6 percent of the population) in 1935.

The situation for the jews in Latvia – like that in Lithuania and Estonia – were some of the best in the entire of Eastern Europe at the time (6) and they even had significant autonomous privileges as a community. (7)

In many ways the jews dominated the newly independent Latvia as they set up the Latvian state bank as well as the new currency, controlled the timber and timber export industry as well as the flax, linen, textiles and chocolate industries in addition to also having control over the importation of gasoline/petrol, coal and wheat into the country. (8)

They were however a heavily urban population (9) and between 1925 and 1935 some 48.6 percent of jews were engage in trade and 28.7 percent in industry which was by far the highest representation in the Latvian population. (10) Symbolic of this fact is the presence of a vibrant Yiddish theatre in Riga in the 1920s and 1930s, (11) which was briefly revived by the Soviet Union after the Second World War. (12)

This helps explain why Marxism and communism were not particularly popular with the jewish population of Latvia from 1917 till 1940, (13) but despite attempts to use this idea to brush the idea of the rug.

The example of Hungary in 1919 – when the jews were in a similar position of significant financial and indirect political dominance over the country only to launch a major ethnic war against the Hungarian state and people under the guise of the Hungarian Soviet Republic (14) which disproportionately targeted non-jews while being disproportionately jewish – (15) provides us with a framework within to understand the jewish ethnic war against the Latvian state and people that occurred when Stalin’s Soviet Union occupied Latvia on 17th June 1940.

Latvia’s communist party was a tiny organization by any standard with a mere 300-400 members in 1940 (16) – indeed by late 1944 it was still only less than 700 members strong – (17) and was under the direct control and domination of Moscow with little to no independence whatsoever, (18) which was made even more complete after the 1937-1938 trial and execution of most of the senior Latvian communist leaders/intellectuals in the Soviet Union (such as Julijs Danisevskis, Roberts Eidemanis, Jekabs Peterss, Juku*ms Vacietis, Gustav Klutsis and Janis Rudzutaks) on charges that they were‘Latvian nationalists’(19) by the NKVD (of whom 19 of its 35 generals in 1935 were jewish according to Sergei Semanov) (20) overseen by its jewish commander: Genrikh Yagoda.

We don’t have any demographic information I can find about the Latvian communist party before the end of the Second World War, but we know that significant numbers of Latvians lived in the Soviet Union (21) of which a significant number were actually jews and moved back to Latvia during the Soviet occupation between 1940-1941 and then from late 1944. (22)

We also know that a significant number of those identified as‘Russian’in Latvian and Soviet official statistics and elsewhere may have in fact been jews (23) because of how‘nationality’was determined (by mother tongue/self-report so if you were a jewish but primarily spoke Russian then you were falsely classed as‘Russian’). (24)

Aasland provides an example of how:‘several thousand Jews registered as Russians’ ‘accounted in part for a drop in the total Jewish population by 1935’. (25)

We also know that Soviet officialdom (including the security apparatus) under Stalin was heavily jewish till at least 1940 (26) – with the direct evidence of Stalin’s official appointment/logbook suggesting that those Soviet officials working with the Soviet dictator directly were between 75-90 percent jewish during the period of 1930 to 1939, while 10 percent of middle-to-high ranking bureaucrats in Soviet ‘economic management’ were jewish in 1939 and more than 50 percent of jews were white-collar workers in the Soviet Union – (27) and we have little reason to suppose Latvia’s communist party was different.

The fact ethnic Latvians were almost exclusively murdered by Stalin’s heavily jewish NKVD during the so-called‘Latvian Operation’of 1937 during the Great Purge – I can only find one jew from Latvia who was killed named Isaak Rubin while the rest were all Latvians (largely from peasant families) – while jews from Latvia seem to have largely been untouched rather smacks of what Purs has politely termed‘ethnic targeting’. (28)

Now coming back to the Latvian communist party; after the occupation of Latvia by the Soviet Union on 17th June 1940 following the Maslenki incident, which was an unprovoked Soviet attack that killed five and kidnapped thirty-seven Latvians from a border post near the town of Maslenki and was the official pretext/excuse for the Soviet occupation.

After this was complete the Soviet Union began to enact a planned purge of Latvian society on the Soviet model – modern Latvian assertions that this was a deliberate genocide of Latvians are both correct (it was) and incorrect (it needs to be put into the context of similar purges enacted by Stalin’s Soviet Union across the geographic, political and ethnic spectrum) – (29) but it wasn’t till after the‘election’of the‘People’s Parliaments’– which were hand-picked by the Soviet authorities – in July 1940 that the real terror began. (30)

The Soviet security forces began with the former leaders of Latvia – especially Latvian nationalists – with – for example – the Latvian politician Margers Skujenieks – who was an ardent nationalist – being hauled off to the infamous Lubyanka prison in Moscow where he was tried and executed on 12th July 1941. (31)

Another example is Arveds Bergs – a real estate and newspaper mogul in Latvia – who was also a radical nationalist and whom was arrested and charged by the NKVD for his role in the military field execution of communists as Latvia’s Minister of the Interior in 1920. Bergs was promptly convicted in a show trial using the forced confessions from other arrested Latvian government officials and was sent into the gulag system before being shot by the NKVD on 19th December 1941. (32)

To give a sense of scale; between August 1940 and June 1941 there were more than 200 political arrests per month in Latvia with October 1940 holding the record of 507. (33)

All told more than 7,000 Latvians were arrested for political crimes and roughly 1,500 executed in this period by Stalin’s NKVD. (34)

In addition, 850 (non-jewish Latvian) officers from the Latvian military were also arrested and deported during this time. (35) Nearly all of these men were either executed by the NKVD or died in Stalin’s gulags and prisons. (36)

However, the worst was yet to come with the mass deportation of Latvians which was scheduled to begin in all the Baltic States in June 1941 after being approved in May 1941 by the Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party. (37)

Although often thought to pre-date the invasion in 1940; these deportations are actually now thought to have been drawn up in January 1941 and have been misdated by accident. (38) We also know that the impetus for the deportations came both from below (the Latvian communist party) and above (Stalin and his closest advisors). (39)

In June 1941 in Latvia some 5,000 people were arrested for deportation with 10,000 family members also arrested for deportation (40) (or 15,424 people to be precise) (41) of which 1,771 were jews. (42)

Thus circa 11.5% of the deportees were jewish.

Traditionally this number had been claimed to be 5,000 jews out of a total of 20,000 people deported by the NKVD from Latvia (i.e., 25% of the deportees were alleged to be jewish), (43) but – as stated – scholarly research has significantly contradicted this claim and clarified the number based on archival work.

These numbers are often used to claim that jews were significantly‘persecuted’by Stalin’s NKVD in Latvia with the World Jewish Congress asserting that:

‘Under Stalin, Jews, who formed only five percent of the population, constituted 12% of the deportees.’(44)

While Misiunas and Taagepera claim that even 1,000 Latvian jews being deported would be greater than a higher percentage than the country as a whole: 1 percent versus 0.8 percent respectively. (45)

The problem with the World Jewish Congress’ as well as Misiunas and Taagepera’s claim is that – similarly to the same claim made about jews being‘disproportionate victims’of Bela Kun’s Hungarian Soviet Republic of 1919 – (46) is that the claim treats the population as a whole as if they were equally liable to being targeted by the Soviet security forces, which simply isn’t true and gives a false picture of the Soviet repressive measures in Latvia emphasizing jewish suffering in order to distract from significant jewish participation in – and responsibility for – inflicting that suffering on jews and non-jews alike.

If we refer back to the fact that 48.6 percent of jews were classified as being‘in trade’in 1935 – which roughly equates petit bourgeois in Marxist thought which in turn roughly equates the famous kulaks that Stalin repeatedly persecuted (and whom were also disproportionately jewish) – (47) and just assume that the 28.7 percent‘in industry’were all industrial workers (and thus members of the urban proletariat which Lenin and Stalin’s Marxism lionized as the‘revolutionary class’) rather than white collar workers/managers/owners of industry.

Then we can see that jewish victims are in fact significantly underrepresented among the victims with 45,431 jews identified as being‘petit bourgeois’and thus‘capitalist oppressors’(and de facto enemies of the Soviet state) but yet only 1,771 (i.e. 3.9 percent) of these individuals were deported, while 13,653 Latvians (i.e. 96.1 percent) were deported even though far fewer of them were identified by the 1935 Latvian census as‘petit bourgeois’compared to the jews although at much higher levels in terms of being‘counter-revolutionaries’and‘reactionaries’(i.e., conservatives and nationalists). (48)

We can thus immediately see what Purs has observed in that the NKVD was targeting was nationalists and members of Latvia’s old order not jews and that there was quite probably‘ethnic targeting’involved in this state of affairs. (49)

Despite attempts to downplay jewish involvement – also ironically by Purs – by vague and unsubstantiated pooh-poohing using phrases like ‘supposed jewish involvement’when we read what is stated carefully it reads rather differently.

For example:

‘The Nazi propaganda machine deftly exploited the deportations to craft a narrative of Soviet occupation and repression that falsely identified the bulk of the Jewish population of Latvia with the Soviet perpetrators. For Nazi policy, this approach encouraged and justified the Holocaust of Latvia’s Jews and was one of many reasons why some Latvians actively participated in these state sanctioned mass murders. The hallmark of this approach was the publication of Baigais Gads in 1941, which unfortunately continues to set some of the canonical framework of general Latvian memory of the first year of Soviet occupation (this canon includes the term Baigais gads, sad*stic tortures such as nail pulling, gruesome photographs of corpses in states of decay, and supposed Jewish involvement).’(50)

Notice that Purs states‘that falsely identified the bulk of the Jewish population of Latvia with the Soviet perpetrators’which is a polite way of saying what Orlando Figes said of the Bolshevik Revolution:

‘Not many Jews were Bolsheviks, but many of the leading Bolsheviks were Jews.’(51)

Basically, what Purs is doing is admitting that the NKVD and the local Latvian communist party had a significant jewish element to them – we’ve already documented how disproportionately jewish the leadership of the NKVD, the Soviet bureaucracy and the Soviet Union itself was – but using false equivalence of stating that because relatively few Soviet and Latvian jews were involved compared to the total Soviet and Latvian jewish population. Then it obviates the jews as a whole from responsibility and the reality of significant and disproportionate jewish responsibility for the crimes and atrocities during the Soviet occupation of Latvia and jewish involvement becomes‘supposed’to imply it isn’t of significant note (and shouldn’t be mentioned let alone discussed).

However significant jewish responsibility there was since – besides the significantly and dare I say ridiculously jewish Soviet slice of the responsibility that we’ve already discussed – we know that jews were actually the preferred recruits of the Soviet invaders to populate their new bureaucracy, security services, police, administrations, party functionaries and military leaders because jews spoke Russian at much higher levels than Latvians in 1940 (52) and which was still the case as late as 1989. (53)

Indeed, the literature is filled with quiet admissions that jews were extremely prominent and disproportionately represented in the new Soviet government of Latvia between 1940-1941.

Bernhard Press – for example – writes it was:

‘No wonder that Jews could now be found in many places where they had not been before, for example, in the police force.’(54)

He also admits that:

‘Jews who profited from the change of system. They now had access to all the places whose doors had previously been closed to them, especially the civil service.’(55)

Even while desperately claiming – which as we have seen is quite false – that‘the victims of the new regime included most of the Jews’(56) and the‘victims of the NKVD included numerous jews’. (57)

While the World Jewish Congress grudgingly admits that:

‘Many Jewish youngsters joined the Komsomol and other Communist Party and Soviet state organizations, including the Workers Guard—a sort of armed auxiliary police force.’(58)

We even know some of the names of those jews who volunteered to work for Stalin’s Soviet Union and engaged in atrocities against the Latvian people such as:

Izaks Bucinskis (A leader of the‘Worker’s Guard’and the‘People’s Militia’in Riga) (59)

Abrams Genkins (The Chief Political Commissar attached to a Soviet Latvian Artillery Detachment) (60)

Cipe Gutmanis (A member of the new Soviet Government’s Housing Department) (61)

As Kovalevskis, Noritis and Goppers wrote the year after the events we are describing:

‘The organizing and management of new security institutions was entrusted to the Jews and hardened criminals.’(62)

As we’ve seen this wasn’t‘anti-Semitic hyperbole’or‘anti-Semitic propaganda’at all but rather simply: the truth.

Further evidence of this can be seen in the fact after the German invasion of the Soviet Union that began on 22nd June 1941; large numbers of jews actively chose to join the Soviet Union with at least 14,000 jews (i.e., 15 percent of Latvia’s jewish population) now known to have chosen to retreat with the Red army (63) with older estimates being 10,000 to 15,000 (64) or as high as 18,000, (65) while historically other jewish authors – like Mendal Bobe – have claimed that these‘10,000 jews were sent to gulags’.(66) Precisely because it makes clear the extent of jewish support for Stalin’s Soviet Union and how closely they were identified (and identified themselves) with the Soviet government in Latvia and the crimes and atrocities it committed against its predominately non-jewish Latvian victims in support of Stalin’s vision of world revolution.

Remember only 3.9 percent of the jews were deported by the Soviet Union, but 15 percent of the jewish population retreated with the Red Army to fight the Third Reich on behalf of Stalin (who remember if we are to believe jewish authors was also their recent brutal persecutor).

That puts an entirely different complexion on the situation: doesn’t it?

It then informs us that when Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote in his famous‘Gulag Archipelago’that:

‘From June 23 on, in Latvia and Estonia, they speeding up the arrests. But the ground was burning under them, and they were forced to leave even faster. They forgot to take whole fortresses with them, like the one at Brest, but they did not forget to shoot down political prisoners in the cells and courtyards of Lvov, Rovno, Tallinn, and many other Western prisons. In the Tartu Prison they shot 192 prisoners and threw their corpses down a well.’(67)

He is referring to a crazed Soviet response to the German advance – which had occurred just in time to save tens if not hundreds of thousands of Latvians from deportation to the gulags and/or execution by the NKVD – by the heavily jewish Soviet authorities in the Baltic states – including Lithuania and Estonia as well as Latvia – in order to try and round up, deport and/or murder as many non-jews as possible.

Thus, we can see that jews were central and significant to existent and crimes of the Latvian communist party and the Soviet government in Latvia between 1940 and 1941.

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(1) See my article:https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/jews-and-communism-in-lithuania-1918

(2) Benjamin Pinkus, 1988,‘The Jews of the Soviet Union: The History of a National Minority’, 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press: New York, p. 98

(3) See my article:https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/jews-and-communism-in-lithuania-1918

(4) J. Schechtman, 1970,‘The U.S.S.R., Zionism and Israel’, p. 113 in Lionel Kochan (Ed.), 1970,‘The Jews in Russia since 1917’, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press: New York

(5) Georg von Rauch, 1970,‘Die Geschichte der baltischen Staaten’, 1st Edition, W. Kohlhammer: Stuttgart, p. 84; Benjamin Pinkus, 2004, [1984],‘The Soviet Government and the Jews, 1948-1967: A Documented Study’, 1st Edition, Cambridge University Press: New York, p. 23 agrees with von Rauch.

(6) Romuald Misiunas, Rein Taagepera, 1983,‘The Baltic States: Years of Dependence, 1940-1980’, 1st Edition, University of California Press: Berkeley

(7) Howard Sachar, 2002,‘Dreamland: Europeans and Jews in the Aftermath of the Great War’, 1st Edition, Vintage: New York, p. 50

(8) Bernhard Press, 2000,‘The Murder of the Jews of Latvia, 1941-1945’, 1st Edition, Northwestern University Press: Evanston, p. 20; Benjamin Sieff, 1971,‘Jews in the Economic Life of Latvia’, pp. 230-240 in Mendel Bobe (Ed.), 1971,‘The Jews in Latvia’, 1st Edition, Association of Latvian and Estonian Jews in Israel: Tel Aviv; Mendel Bobe, 1971,‘Four Hundred Years of the Jews in Latvia: A Historical Survey’, pp. 45; 64-65; 72-73 in Bobe, Op. Cit.

(9) Bobe, Op. Cit., p. 53 in Bobe, Op. Cit.; also Ilmars Mezs, 1994,‘The Ethnic Aspects of Population Change in Latvia After Independence’, Published Master’s Theses: Western Michigan University, p. 64

(10) Bobe, Op. Cit., p. 53 in Bobe, Op. Cit.

(11) Press, Op. Cit., p. 19

(12) Pinkus,‘The Jews of the Soviet Union’, Op. Cit., p. 200

(13) Max Matayahu Laserson, 1971,‘The Jews and the Latvian Parliament’, p. 144 in Bobe, Op. Cit.

(14) See my articles:https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/the-jewish-role-in-the-hungarianandhttps://karlradl14.substack.com/p/the-133-days-of-bela-kun

(15) See my article:https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/jewish-versus-non-jewish-victims


(17)https://latvians.com/index.php?en/CFBH/AttitudesNationalities/LATVa-04-A-04-General-Information_Demography.ssi; also cf. Frederic Harned, 1975,‘Latvia and the Latvians’, pp. 94-117 in Zev Katz, Rosemarie Rogers, Frederic Harned (Eds.), 1975,‘Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities’, 1st Edition, The Free Press: New York

(18) Robert Conquest, 2008,‘The Great Terror: A Reassessment’, 3rd Edition, Pimlico: London, p. 400

(19) Ibid., p. 272

(20) See:https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/nationalities-of-nkvd-purge-officials

(21) Press, Op. Cit., p. 34

(22) Implied by Daina Eglitis, Didzis Berzins, 2018,‘Mortal threat: Latvian Jews at the Dawn of Nazi Occupation’, Nationalities Papers, Vol. 46, No. 6, p. 1065; also, by Mezs, Op. Cit., p. 67

(23) Aadne Aasland, 1994,‘Russians in Latvia: Ethnic Identity and Ethnopolitical Change’, Published PhD Theses: University of Glasgow, p. 19

(24) Ibid., pp. 52-53

(25) Ibid., p. 55 (slightly paraphrased)

(26) Bernard Wasserstein, 2012,‘On the Eve: The Jews of Europe Before the Second World War’, 1st Edition, Profile: London, pp. 19; 64-65; 80-81

(27) Ibid., pp. 19; 65

(28) Aldis Purs, 2010,‘Soviet in form, local in content: Elite Repression and Mass Terror in the Baltic States, 1940-1953’, p. 29 in Kevin McDermott, Matthew Stibbe (Eds.), 2010,‘Stalinist Terror in Eastern Europe: Elite Purges and Mass Repression’, 1st Edition, Manchester University Press: Manchester

(29) Ibid., p. 22

(30) Ibid., pp. 24-25

(31) Ibid., p. 23

(32) Ibid.

(33) Ibid., p. 25

(34) Ibid.

(35) Ibid., p. 26

(36) Press, Op. Cit., p. 33

(37) Purs,‘Soviet in form, local in content’, Op. Cit., pp. 26-27 in McDermott, Stibbe, Op. Cit.

(38) Ibid., p. 22

(39) Ibid., pp. 28-29

(40) Ibid., p. 27

(41) Eglitis, Berzins, Op. Cit., p. 1067

(42) Ibid.; cf. Ainars Bambals, Elmars Pelkaus, 2007,‘Deported June 14, 1941’, 2nd Edition, State Archives of Latvia: Riga

(43) Press, Op. Cit., p. 37; Misiunas, Taagepera, Op. Cit., p. 61


(45) Misiunas, Taagepera, Op. Cit., p. 61, n. 79

(46) See my article:https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/jewish-versus-non-jewish-victims

(47) Wasserstein, Op. Cit., p. 19

(48) Bobe, Op. Cit., p. 53 in Bobe, Op. Cit.

(49) Purs,‘Soviet in form, local in content’, Op. Cit., pp. 28-29 in McDermott, Stibbe, Op. Cit.

(50) Aldis Purs, 2012,‘Official and Individual Perceptions: Squaring the History of the Soviet Deportations with the Circle of Testimony in Latvia’, p. 29 in Violeta Davoliute, Tomas Balkelis (Eds.), 2012,‘Maps of Memory: Trauma, Identity and Exile in Deportation Memoirs from the Baltic States’, 1st Edition, Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore: Vilnius

(51) Orlando Figes, 1997,‘A People’s Tragedy: The Russian Revolution, 1891-1924’, 1st Edition, Pimlico: London, p. 676

(52) Press, Op. Cit., p. 33

(53) Mezs, Op. Cit., p. 44

(54) Press, Op. Cit., p. 34

(55) Ibid., p. 33

(56) Ibid.

(57) Ibid., p. 34


(59) Paula Kovalevskis, Oskars Noritis, Mikelis Goppers, 1942,‘Latvia: Year of Horror’, 1st Edition, Gyan: New Dehli (Reprint), p. 20

(60) Ibid., p. 15

(61) Ibid., p. 58

(62) Ibid., p. 20

(63) Eglitis, Berzins, Op. Cit., p. 1067

(64) Press, Op. Cit., p. 39

(65) Misiunas, Taagepera, Op. Cit., p. 61

(66) Bobe, Op. Cit., p. 73 in Bobe, Op. Cit.

(67) Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 1986,‘The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation’, 1st Edition, The Harvill Press: London, p. 31



Inspiring Philosophy’s Strategic Ignorance

As Kipp Davis points out: it truly is unforgivable that Michael Jones of Inspiring Philosophy knows no Greek or Hebrew.

I maintain that Jones does not even know the Greek and Hebrew Alphabets. It would take Jones about an hour to learn the Greek Alphabet on Duolingo, and perhaps a further hour to learn the Hebrew alphabet on Duolingo.

Kipp Davis showed a clip of Jones reading muh scholarship, and he made absolutely no attempt to pronounce the Greek or Hebrew words on the page. It is not necessary for one tounderstandthe Hebrew or Greek in order to pronounce it. Indeed, many’s a Hebrew course begins by getting the student to recite Hebrew that he/she cannot translate. The Great Courses’s Hebrew Course , and C.L. Seow’s Hebrew Course commences thus.

Similarly, the pronunciation of Ancient Greek is regular. Heck, Jones could even pronounce these Ancient Greek words in the Modern Greek pronunciation of Duolingo. This is standard in Greece, itself, and is becoming standard in American Bible Colleges. Thanks toioticisationmost modern Greek vowels and diphthongs are pronounced as a long ‘i’, or in IPA: [i?], i.e. like the vowel in ‘cheese’, [t??i?z].

Viced Rhino is less formally educated than Inspiring Philosophy. Like myself, Rhino only has a highschool/secondary school education. Jones has master’s degree. However, both Rhino and I have picked up the rudiments of Greek and Hebrew, whereas Jones has not.

One of the reasons why I jump at any chance to translate verses of the Bible from Greek and Hebrew. By now I have probably translated about 1,000 verses from Greek and Hebrew. Avalos says that unless one be able to go to the source Ancient texts: The Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia or the Biblia Hebraica Quinta is the source text for the Old Testament, and the Novum Testamentum Graece is the source text for the New Testament. I have the professional lexica: Bauer for Greek andHalotfor Hebrew at my disposal, as well. I am a pure amateur, though. However, as Avalos points out: without Greek and Hebrewyou are not a Bible Scholar.Jones speaks of ‘good scholarship’ that supports his ‘crazy theor[ies]’[1]. However, Avalos, from beyond the grave would say to Jones that unless he knows Greek and Hebrew, then he is not in a position to know good scholarship from bad scholarship.

Methinks that strategic ignorance is at play. When Jones investigated Young Earth Creationism, he found out that it was not true. One major pillar of his faith collapsed. Indeed, if Yahweh did not create the earth in the manner described by Genesis, then what need have we of Jaysus? Jerry Coyne answers this rhetorical question by saying: ‘we have no need at all!’

And so Jones’s temple of faith now rests upon a single pillar: whackadoodle[2] fringe Biblical scholarship. Jones has a sense that to investigate Biblical scholarship in the same manner as he investigated Young Earth Creationism would collapse his sole remaining pillar of Faith, and so he refuses so to do.

The Diablocritics discussed this: Apologetical “scholars” have a sense as to which fields of study would deconvert them, and studiously avoid these fields of study like the plague.

Jones probably had a sense that learning Greek and Hebrew has the likelihood of deconverting him, which is why he refuses to do so.

Reading fringe evangelical “scholarship” is unlikely to deconvert Jones, so he quote-mines these gals and fellers… mostly fellers.


[1] Mr. Deity!

[2] A Cap-Cassid-ean adjective!



Anti-gentilism in Psalm used to commeRe: On Igtheism, or a Video where Bishop Robert Barron says that God is not an Object in Reality

The below is actually quite “racist“ against non Jews:

As much as I still love the Tridentine Latin Mass, ultimately it is a Jewish religious service, that has nothing to do with us, as White Europeans.

This anti-goy psalm has to be creatively translated so as to minimise the anti-gentilism. However, below, I will translate it directly from the Hebrew:

‘shapheteniy Elohiym, weriybhah riybhiy mig-gowy lo chasiydh meiysh mirmah wengawlah thephalleteniy.’

‘Judge thou me, Oh [Jewish] God, and discern thou my cause from the unmerciful goy; from the deceitful man, and the [non-Jewish] immigrant, cause thou me to escape.’

(My translation into Biblical English)

‘Judge me, Oh [Jewish] God, and discern thou cause from the unmerciful goy; from the deceitful man, and the [non-Jewish] immigrant, cause me to escape.’

(My translation into Modern English)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (30)

. . . (may be something missing)

I mistranslated the beginning of Judica me Deus

As we can see from the German Bible Society’s Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, Psalm 43 commences:

‘Shaph?teniy Elohiym…’

Which means: ‘Judge thou me God…’

Here, the Old Testament god, Elohiym, is clearly being commanded by the Psalmist—under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit—to judge the Psalmist. This contradicts Jesus’s notion that the father does not judges any man.

One of Avalos’s chapters in The Bad Jesus is ‘The Biblically Illiterate Jesus’. Jesus doesn’t actually know the Old Testament all that well.




. . .

Fry explains that the Titanomachia or War of the Titans has not come down to us. I must wonder: did the Christians destroy this text? We only have fragments of what the Titanomachia was like.

However, the upshot of the Titanomachy is that a New clique of gods takes over from an Older Clique of gods.

In the Old Testament, Yahweh takes over from His father, El.

In the New Testament, Jesus takes over from the Old Testament father god, Yahweh, who has been renamed by Helenised Jews: ‘Kyrios’, or ‘Lord’. Incidentally, Alan Watts points out the similarity between ‘Cyrus’, or ‘Kyros’, and Lord or Kyrios. The Lord is very much a celestial despot modelled upon earthly despots.

In the Book of Revelation, we have Jesus referred to as: ‘KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS’. According to Watts, this was a title of Cyrus’s.

Anyhow, Saint Stephen seems to call the Old Testament god both Moloch and Remphan.

Jesus seems to call the Old Testament god: ‘your father the devil’. Interestingly, most scholars agree that it was El/Yahweh who lied in the garden of Eden and not Satan. Thus, ‘the father of lies’ who ‘speaketh of his own’, i.e. the Jews, could very easily be Yahweh/El.

As Avalos points out in The Bad Jesus, Jesus violently whips the money changers out of the Temple. As Rabbi Tovia Singer puts it: these money changers are explicitly mandated by the Old Testament. And so Jesus whips the Old Testament’s God’s money changers out of the Temple.

Jesus dethrones El/Yahweh as judge of this world: ‘neither does the Father judge any man but the Son.’

However, Jesus seems to forget the Psalm: ‘Iudica me, Deus’, recited at almost every single Tridentine Mass: ‘Judge thou me oh Yahweh…’

And so in The Cleansing of the Temple, at least, Jesus’s taking over from the Old Testament god was violent or a Theomachy, i.e. a battle of the gods.

The Bible is not a univocal book. One of the voices of the New Testament is Marcionism: the Old Testament god is evil, but now Jesus has overthrown Him.

As Captain Cassidy would put it:

Hooray team Jesus!White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (31)


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General Hull and the Death of American Accountability

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Who was the worst president in US history?

Many would argue Biden’s driving America to ruin, some might point to Trump’s continued employment of Dr. Fauci as the ultimate cause of lockdowns and Vax Mandates… Other’s might say Obama, or Bush started the real death spiral to decline…

Wilson and FDR set the stage for countless that might have been avoided Truman let the secret of the Atomic Bomb slip and the risk of total thermonuclear war enter the world…

Lincoln! Killed more Americans than any other president in history.

But I have another candidate:

James Madison. The man who permanently made US government employees unaccountable.

I’ve written about this event before from the British/Canadian perspectiveone of those crazy legends that defined my childhood, but I want to revisit and look at just how insane it was from the American perspective.


2 months into The War of 1812 the Americans had a commanding position. They had multiple forts on the Canadian Frontier, pressuring Upper Canada (Ontario) both across the Niagara river from upstate New York, a presence along the St Lawrence river across the from Kingston, A fort at Detroit, and a commanding naval presence on Lake Ontario and Lake Erie… And almost all the positions enjoyed superior numbers.

Then they immediately lost Fort Detroit, its 2500 men, and a brig… all while inflicting paltry casualties on the enemy of………..

Two. Not two hundred. No typo. Two.


The British commander Isaac Brock had achieved the most incredible military victory in the history of North America, and almost no one has heard of it because it is still so embarrassing.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (40)

Outnumbered nearly two to one, outflanked, and set to lose Ontario and all of Canada west of it, Brock went on the attack.

Marching on Fort Detroit with 1300 men to its 2500, Brock timed his arrival for dusk and through a series of circular marches, excess redcoat uniforms, and shuffling of soldiers and uniforms created the illusion that he was not commanding a desperate tiny rag tag force of mostly militia and natives, but a thousands strong army of British Regular regiments and countless Native Warbands.

He then wrote to Detroit’s commander General Hull pleading with him (the stronger) to surrender, that Brock’s natives were restless and vengeful against the Americans who had fought with them in Ohio, and Brock was terrified what they would do upon taking the fort. That even now Brock could just barely hold their wrath in check and it was only in surrendering before battle that Brock could guarantee the safety of the American garrison and the civilians amongst them.

If there has ever been a more shameless bluff in all of Military History… I’ve not heard of it.

But Detroit’s commander, the supposedly steadfast Revolutionary War Veteran General Hull, fearing for his family… Agreed to surrender, a vital and superior strategic position, to a force half his size, before even mild skirmishing had begun.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (41)

I don’t think I’ve EVER read of a more open and shut case of cowardice, by a General, in charge of thousands, at any point in history.

About 60 years earlier the British had shot the shamed Admiral Byng for “Failing to do his upmost” in PURSUIT of a RETREATING enemy who he had engaged with and fled before him.

Compared to Hull, Byng was the very avatar of Mars.

Just across the Atlantic a mere 15 years earlier the 73 year old Austrian General Wurmser had held the Iron Walls of Mantua against Napoleon for 6 months losing more than half of his 32,000 men to fire, wounds, or disease as they were reduced to eating their horses, dogs, and rats.

Hull didn’t last 24 hours.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (42)

How could the American Military ever execute or punish a Private for Cowardice or Desertion in the face of enemy rifle fire, if they did not now execute this General who’d proved the coward and surrendered his post without seeing any action whatsoever?

In 1814, after the prisoners were exchanged, that was the American court martial’s logic.

Convicting him of treason, cowardice, neglect of duty and bad conduct, they sentenced General Hull to die for his failure….

Then President Madison stayed the order.

In light of his earlier service to the country in the Revolutionary War, Madison reduced the sentence to mere dismissal from the army.

Hull would even later write books defending his conduct and trying to clear his name. Famously even meeting with the Marquis De Lafayette on his 1825 American Tour, where they reminisced on their glory in the American Revolution and their misfortune in later wars.

General Brock however, would not. Brock died 2 months later leading a charge against a superior position to repel the American Invaders from Queenston Heights in Niagara, where his monument stands today. Though he lost his life, he won that battle as well. In spite of being outnumbered nearly 3 to 1 the Anglo-Canadian force repelled the Americans and captured nearly 1000 more prisoners to their total fighting strength of 1300.

Glory rarely allows for reunion tours.

These examples point to what I think is the major difference between the British and American empires.

The British could demand, and enforce, EXCELLENCE. Truly superhuman feats of leadership and sacrifice even at the highest level marked the tales of the empire, from Wolfe, to Nelson, to Brock, to Charles Gordon in the Mahdi revolt, or the dozens of generals who died in action during the first world war.

And this culture continued on down through the colonial Administration and the british bureaucracy. Every aspect of Victorian and early 20th century British imperial bureaucracy is marked by a level of competence, efficiency, and responsibility utterly unthinkable to any modern person living in the post-WW2 west…

And America, but especially modern America has NOTHING comparable.

It is unthinkable that even the most craven, corrupt, and downright evil betrayal of duty will be punished once the station of the complicit party rises above any significant rank in the military, bureaucracy, or indeed even corporate life (Banks have laundered money for the cartels, been caught, and then had fines and punishments specifically structured to avoid all criminal liability)

The accountability and price of honor expected from even postal clerks in the british empire is utterly unthinkable even at the highest levels of the American empire….

And President James Madison is entirely to blame.

America’s military and people were set to make a Second Byng out of General Hull, the sentence had been given, the public had agreed, and then unlike King George II, Madison lost his nerve.

In life Hull was worth negative 2500 men in a battle, but in death Hull could have been a legend, a symbol, a terror worth millions! The example of his shame an execution could have been the spurs in the side of every officer and administrator ever to work for the US government again.

That like British Admirals, American Generals might be shot for their failure, and you better believe you can be too.

However, Madison did not allow this to happen.

And so instead, for the next 200 years, whenever a poor private or seaman grumbled on their way to the brig or the noose that no Officer would be similarly punished… That they were not being punished because they were supposed to be responcible and more was expected of them, but specifically because they’re not, and therefore they don’t have friends and norms of invulnerability to protect them…. They were right.

Hull could not be executed for cowardice, but many Privates and corporals have been executed for cowardice and desertion between the Civil War and the World Wars.

The only senior ranking American leaders to answer with their lives for their perceived failures of leadership have been US presidents who were assassinated. Everyone else Generals, bureaucrats, agents, department heads, admirals, CDC heads… They’re all widely perceived as impervious.

Because they are. And there’s no way to reverse it…

American government has been doomed over 200 years. When Madison destroyed the possibility of standards.

Follow me on Twitter:@FromKulak


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Lou Pearlman – the disgraced former music industry mogul who died in 2016 – was a controversial character to say the least. He was a major figure in the popular music industry for many years and created many iconic groups such as NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys. (1)

Pearlman’s rise in the music industry was meteoric until January 2007 when he fled the United States after the discovery in 2006 that he was bankrupt and had committed fraud and laundered money since the mid-1980s. (2)

He did this by running two shell companies – Transcontinental Airlines Travel Services Inc. and Transcontinental Airlines Inc.– in which he would convince individuals and companies to invest money that he would then use to fund his lavish lifestyle. (3)

In total Pearlman is believed to have laundered over $300 million through these two legal entities. (4)

This not only impacted companies who could lose a chunk of change without too much ado, but also elderly people who had invested their life savings at Pearlman’s behest on the strength of the fraudulent accounting statements he produced.

To quote Phil Helsel writing at NBC:

‘One woman said she lost half her retirement savings and was living on Social Security. A widow described her 87-year-oldhusband breaking down in tears after learning they’d been scammed, according to court transcripts.’(5)

Harrowing accounts such as these are just the tip of the iceberg. Pearlman used his position as the manager of the hit pop group Backstreet Boys to pay himself tens of millions of dollars from the group’s profits. All while paying each member of the group itself some $12,000 a year (i.e., sweatshop level wages) at the height of their success between 1993 and 1997. (6)

It also turns out that Pearlman was a completely unscrupulous fraudster from the very beginning of his career.

To quote Steven Hyden:

‘When Pearlman grew up, he founded a company, Airship Enterprises Ltd., in 1980. His fleet consisted of a substandard blimp that crashed into a garbage dump less than a mile into its inaugural flight. An insurance settlement later awarded him $2.5million, after which Pearlman rebuilt his budding empire via a Wolf of Wall Street–like “penny stocks” scheme that made him flush with cash and foreshadowed far more lucrative (and ultimately much more destructive) scams on the horizon.’(7)

He also claimed that he wasn’t at all like Bernie Madoff, (8) because he was going to pay off all of the people that he scammed by creating more successful boy bands from behind the bars of his prison cell. (9)

Oddly enough: nobody took him up on the offer.

How strange!

In spite of his vile con-artist type behaviour: Pearlman had an even darker side to him.

He was also a hom*osexual predator with a predilection for young non-jewish boys.

Lance Bass, a member of NSYNC – for example – has revealed that Pearlman touched him inappropriately on at least one occasion (10) and that he wasn’t the only member of the boy band who suffered from Pearlman’s sordid attentions. (11)

To quote Bryan Burroughs at Vanity Fair:

‘Some, especially the teenagers, shrugged and giggled when he showed them p*rnographic movies or jumped naked onto their beds in the morning to wrestle and play. Others, it appears, didn’t get off so easily. These were the young singers seen emerging from his bedroom late at night, buttoning their pants, sheepish looks on their faces. Some deny anything improper ever happened. But the parents of at least one, a member of the Backstreet Boys, complained. And for any number of young men who sought to join the world’s greatest boy bands, Big Poppa’s attentions were an open secret, the price some paid for fame.

“Some guys joked about it; I remember [one singer] asking me, ‘Have you let Lou blow you yet?'” says Steve Mooney, an aspiring singer who served as Pearlman’s assistant and lived in his home for two years. “I would absolutely say the guy was a sexual predator. All the talent knew what Lou’s game was. If they say no, they’re lying to you.”

To a number of his former band members, Pearlman seemed so enamored of his male singers that it called into question his motivations for entering the music business in the first place.

“Honestly, I don’t think Lou ever thought we would become stars,” says Rich Cronin, lead singer of the Pearlman boy band Lyte Funky Ones (LFO).

“I just think he wanted cute guys around him; this was all an excuse. And then lightning crazily struck and an empire was created. It was all dumb luck. I think his motives for getting into music were very different.”’(12)

In other words: Pearlman’s hom*osexual predation was not a small thing, but something everybody knew about and was afraid to disclose due to fear of retribution from the powerful music industry mogul.

All in all, Pearlman was a hom*osexual predator, a fraud and a jew.

The world is better off without him, but we should never forget how Pearlman and his kind stole the life savings of old ladies and sexually abused young boys without even a peep from those around him who knew exactly what he was up to.

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Yet another‘jewish invention’claim is that they invented the portable synthesizer so commonly used in the production of music today. The specific individual they cite is Raymond Scott; (1) who indeed did produce an analog synthesizer in the 1940s and then later a portable one. (2)

The problem is that this had actually been invented more than a decade earlier by German engineer Friedrich Trautwein in 1930 and was called the‘Trautonium’(3) which was then picked up by German engineer and physicist Oskar Sala who created an analog electronic synthesizer called the‘Volkstrautonium’in 1933 – which German electronics and radio giant Telefunken hoped to popularise and sell but were interrupted by the Second World War – (4) and in 1938 Sala followed it up with a portable analog electronic synthesizer called the‘Konzerttrautonium’. (5)

Sala’s‘Konzerttrautonium’was the first portable analog electronic synthesizer after the analog electronic synthesizer had first been invented by Scottish physicist James Robert Milne in 1906, (6) while John Hanert, Laurens Hammond and C. N. Williams created and produced one called‘Novachord’in the United States from 1939 (7) and Frenchman Georges Marcel Charles Jenny invented the similar‘Ondioline’that he began building in 1939 and was working by 1946. (8)

All before Scott I might add.

So no jews didn’t invent the portable synthesizer!

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One of the current cause celebres in the ultra-Orthodox jew world is Natan Peretz; who is an ultra-Orthodox jew who is currently in prison in Moldova after being caught trying to smuggle drugs into Moldova earlier this year.

Arutz Sheva (Israeli Channel 7) writes how:

‘After 5 months of no contact with the outside world, Natan Peretz, a Jewish man imprisoned in Moldova released a 1-minute message to the public. In the frightening message where Natan struggles to hold back his tears, he shared that those around him made 3 attempts to kill him.

He introduces himself as his prayer name, asking listeners to pray for his well-being and safe return. “Merciful Jews! I am Natan Peretz ben Tamar I have been in prison in Moldova for the past 5 months, enduring bitter suffering.” Natan’s family says he is an innocent man duped into taking a parcel on his flight. When he arrived in Moldova, drugs were discovered inside, and he was arrested at the airport and imprisoned without a fair trial.

Describing the character of the inmates, his voice breaks, “They have tried to kill me 3 times already.” Although he narrowly escaped these encounters with death, he and his family know that nothing is stopping them from trying again. When Natan last saw his wife and 3-year-old last, he was a free man, on his way to pray by Kivrei Tzadikim, (Graves of Rabbis). At this point, he may never return to his family’s embrace again.

He describes his living conditions, and at this point, it is clear that he is crying, “I have lost weight, I barely ate. I am malnourished, I lost 28 kg (60 lbs).” Natan has no access to kosher food in prison, besides the packages of food kindhearted Moldovan Jews have brought him. He is wasting away to the point of emaciation.

2 weeks ago, the court announced that for a price of $120,000, Natan can go free. Tragically, his family has no feasible way to pay that amount, as they come from simple backgrounds. They have one hope: a crowdfunding page set up by friends. If the goal is not reached, Natan may live out the rest of his years in a Moldovan Jail.

Facing almost certain death in prison, he turns to the only people he can rely on – the Jewish public.’(1)

Aside from the shrieking about how the (non-jewish) Moldovans don’t appreciate a jew trying to import drugs into their country and are treating him to a bit of rough justice while he is in prison. Peretz claims it was all an‘innocent misunderstanding’and that while he had drugs on him; it was because he had been‘duped’.

To be more specific elsewhere we learn that in Amsterdam Peretz‘ran into an old acquaintance who offered him work transporting a bag of what he says the friend claimed was dog food across the border to Moldova.’(2)

So basically, Peretz claims he was a‘naïve sheltered youth’– who was apparently in Amsterdam alone for some unspecified reason – that magically‘met an old acquaintance’who‘gave him a bag of dog food to take with him to Moldova’and he was‘shocked and scared’when police promptly discovered it was drugs.

I mean what kind of idiot thinks someone giving him‘dog food’at an airport to take another country is actually‘dog food’and why would the‘old acquaintance’have sought him out at Amsterdam’s airport (presumably meaning Schiphol) to‘offer him work’if the‘old acquaintance’wasn’t going to Moldova himself but magically knew Peretz was?

No this sounds awfully like Peretz was an arrogant jew trying to smuggle drugs into Moldova and ended up getting caught and is now trying desperately to get his fellow members of the tribe to intervene and free him before his fellow prisoners turn him into a proverbial lampshade.

Let him rot.

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Frank DeScushin



John Leguizamo complains about Whites being overrepresented in top positions, but he won’t complain about Jews being overrepresented in top positions in his industry. John knows it’s fashionable to complain about Whites, but its career suicide to complain about Hollywood Jews.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (67)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (68)

Anthony Cumia


Oh, wait…So it’s NOT about sovereignty? These clowns don’t even try to hide it anymore. SC has to get rid of this guy.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (69)




Lindsey Graham: “They’re sitting on 10 to 12 trillion dollars of critical minerals in Ukraine. I don’t want to give that money to Putin to share with China. If we help Ukraine now, they could become the best business partner we ever dreamed of.”


imagine allowing even one of these in a White nation



The LEFT imports non-European immigrants. The RIGHT slows down immigration, on paper, & wants to force those who come to “assimilate” (= race-mix).The GOOD & JUST stops ALL non-European immigration, & throws out those already here (whether they have passports or not)


Just now for the first time Hezbollah has struck the port of Haifa, which is the most important port for Israel’s economic activities

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (70)


Hamas official talks to Sky News “We need money and weapons from our Arab brothers to win a quick victory over the occupying enemy.”


Hezbollah just shot down another Hermes 900 which is Israel’s most advanced UAV. Israel’s arsenal is believed to contain 20-30 such drones and Hezbollah has neutralized 3 of them.



White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (71)


Greg Johnson’s Philosophy Seminar


The Ukraine war is not & never has been somehow a referendum on or crusade against Western values. That’s just boob bait for Western reactionaries. It is about Russian/neo-Soviet imperial revanchism. Nothing else.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (72)

Dr. Ricardo duch*esne



Replying to @real_gtk

there is no way around reality that expansion of American values into the Ukraine is responsible for war and that this war has very little to do with “white nationalism” in the Ukraine. recruiting a few Africans should not detract from this reality.

dueling backsliders. neocons try to undermine russia, restore control, continue the looting as in 1990. certainly extending globohom*o is part of that.


Alice Weidel AfD leader: “Those who work are stupid because they break their backs not for themselves but for others. Over 60% of those on benefits in Germany do not have a German passport. This is why immigrants (fake asylum seekers) arrive!” This is case throughout Europe. Stop this madness now!

stop this SLAVERY now


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (73)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (74)


Jackson Hinkle



Replying to

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (75) Israel killed 3 of their own hostages, one of whom was an American citizen. White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (76) Israel killed 274 Palestinians. White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (77) Israel also injured 700+ Palestinians. What is heroic about any of this???

emoticons used to be cute. then 24 hours later they were what they have been ever since. UN f*ckING BELIEVABLY ANNOYING


Shannon Sharpe on Caitlin Clark being left off of Team USA: “Are we really trying to grow the game? Because this is the most popular women’s basketball player in the world and it ain’t close… So are we really trying to grow the game? Is that what we’re really trying to do? Or are we just talking about ‘we’re trying to grow the game’ and just bull jiving?”

we be tryin to appease nigg*rs and keep the “narrative” lie intact that coons be balling better than white childrens


Man murdered 79 year old elderly woman in her own home. ????????? “Officers responded to a call of an unconcious person Friday in the 2400 block of Meadow View Lane, Bedford police said. When they arrived, officers found Christine Barsanti, 79, dead after apparently being struck by an object. Police said after they watched surveillance video from Barsanti’s home, they saw 39-year-old Brandon Paramore ring the doorbell and ask to use the phone on Thursday. After Barsanti said no, Paramore forced his way inside, police said. Paramore was arrested on Saturday on unrelated charges, police said. He was being held Monday at the Tarrant County Jail. ..”Our thoughts are with Ms. Barsanti’s family, who have been supportive throughout our efforts to bring her justice,” Bedford Deputy Police Chief Bobby LaPenna said.” https://fox4news.com/news/bedford-christine-barsanti-brandon-paramore

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (78)

sullen stupid remorseless insane self-pitying. a huge percentage of nigg*rs is made of some mix of these ingredients


In recent days, we have had brought home to us what “show trials” are like. They are not confined to Soviet Russia and it satellite countries during the Cold War but are a very present reality to us in America today. Political opponents of Donald Trump charged him with felonies for acts that were entirely legal. The judge in the case was a political opponent of Trump and worked artfully to prevent the trial jury from hearing testimony that would have exposed the imposture.

In view of what has happened, I think it would be interesting to discuss some earlier show trials, the Nuremberg trials held after World War II, as discussed in the important book by Danilo Zolo,Victor’s Justice, (Verso, 2009)Economic Science and t…Hans-Hermann HoppeBest Price:$6.92Buy New$8.95(as of 07:00 UTC –Details)White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (79)

Should war crimes, i.e., violations of rights during a war, be treated as criminal offenses? Proponents of this view often suggest that, just as courts punish individuals within a nation who commit crimes, so should international courts put on trial and punish political leaders and soldiers who violate rights.White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (80)

Hans Kelsen, the most famous European legal theorist of the 20th century, suggested in 1944 exactly such a system.

“In Kelsen’s opinion, the principal cause for the failure of the League of Nations lay in the fact that at the summit of its power structure was a Council representing a sort of worldwide political government, rather than a Court of Justice. … [In his proposal] the Court was to indict individual citizens who were guilty of war crimes, and their countries were to be held responsible for making them available to the court.”

Danilo Zolo, a leading Italian political and legal philosopher, forcefully contends that the endeavors at Nuremberg and elsewhere to bring to justice perpetrators of war crimes were grave mistakes. Kelsen called for a neutral court to try all individuals guilty of war crimes, whether from victor or vanquished nations. What took place at Nuremberg and after was quite different: only those from defeated nations were tried, and the winners conducted the trials.

Nothing has befallen the criminals responsible for the atomic massacres at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, or for the saturation bombing which, when the war was already won by the Western allies, killed hundreds of thousands of civilians in various German and Japanese cities. Nothing has happened to the political and military leadership of NATO, responsible for the ‘humanitarian’ war of aggression against the Yugoslav Republic, which surely ranks as a ‘supreme’ international crime.”

In Zolo’s view, international courts have not become, as Kelsen wished, an instrument to promote peace and justice. Quite the contrary, they have served to ensure American dominance of post–World War II politics. Nations unfortunate enough to lose a military struggle with the United States become subject to “victor’s justice.” The result is a “two-tier” structure of justice in which opponents of America face strict scrutiny while America and her allies are immune.

“In practice, a dual-standard system of international criminal justice has come about in which a justice “made to measure” for the major world powers and their victorious leaders operates alongside a separate justice for the defeated and downtrodden. In particular, international crimes ofjus in bello, which are normally considered less serious than the crime of aggression, have been prosecuted relentlessly and in some cases punished with great harshness, in particular by the Hague Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. At the same time, aggressive war, a crime predominantly committed by the political and military authorities of the major powers, has been systematically ignored.”

Kelsen, by the way, quickly repudiated the Nuremberg Tribunal. An unneutral court that operated only on the defeated powers did not conform to his conception of the rule of law.

“Kelsen argued that the trial and sentence of Nuremberg could not be allowed to stand as a legal precedent. If the principles applied at Nuremberg were to persist, then at the end of every war the victorious nations could put the governments of the vanquished on trial for committing ‘crimes’ unilaterally and retroactively defined as such by the victors themselves. … In Kelsen’s opinion, the punishment of war criminals should be an act of justice and not the continuation of hostilities in forms which are ostensibly legal but in reality based on the desire for revenge.”

You might object to Zolo’s argument by saying that even if the two-tier system is manifestly unfair and contributes to the support of a hegemonic American foreign policy, an important consideration must be allowed its due weight on the other side. Isn’t it desirable that those guilty of war crimes be brought to justice? Others may be guilty as well, and the faults of the judicial procedures used need correction, but must we throw out the entire concept of individual legal guilt for war crimes?

Zolo is well prepared for this objection, and he offers a characteristically radical response. He sees little evidence that such trials lessen the incidence of war crimes or aggression. Without a deterrent effect, they merely express vengeance. Zolo has little use for retribution:

“Prosecutors and judges do not seem to have given the slightest thought to the issue of the purpose of punishment or its effects on the personality and future of those convicted. The sanction — whether the death sentence, life imprisonment or a specified prison sentence — had a purely affective value. It was merely a matter of persecuting the guilty party so as to cause suffering, mortification and humiliation to the point of physical and moral annihilation. … The sentences handed down were clearly designed much less to prevent any future perpetration of crimes then to celebrate the might of the victors — themselves responsible for grave international crimes — just as, in pre-modern times, the ‘splendour’ of the condemned man’s torment was a celebration of the majesty of king or emperor.’

Zolo in this connection makes apt use of the work of René Girard on the scapegoat mechanism. (See, e.g., Girard,The Scapegoat.)White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (81)Against Our Better Jud…Alison WeirBest Price:$7.99Buy New$9.93(as of 10:55 UTC –Details)White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (82)

Even if Zolo has raised effective objections against judicial punishment of war crimes committed by defeated nations, he must confront another objection. Isn’t he making very heavy weather of these trials? Whatever their flaws, don’t they occupy a minor role on the international scene? But Zolo is after much bigger game.

A principal justification for war today is “humanitarian.” In the preparatory propaganda barrage that led to the Iraq War, the crimes and abuses of Saddam Hussein played a key role. Again, Jean Bethke Elshtain and other defenders of the American invasion of Afghanistan adduced the manifest inequity of the Taliban’s policy toward Afghan women as a reason that supported intervention.

The trials that arouse Zolo’s concern form a part of a larger ideology. Because rights have been violated, it is argued, force must be used if this is the only way to eradicate evil regimes. Against this line of thought, Zolo raises a vital point. War itself will almost certainly violate rights in a horrendous way:

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (83)“Finally, we must ask ourselves whether modern warfare, with its weapons of mass destruction, can coherently be used by international institutions — or military alliances such as NATO — charged with protecting universal values like human rights. … The legitimation of ‘humanitarian war’ is the equivalent of a contradictory negation of all these principles. In the case of war for Kosovo, for example, in practice the death sentence was enforced on thousands of Yugoslav citizens, in the absence of any investigation of their personal responsibility. … Thousands of simple citizens [were subjected to] lethal bombing raids, in which … murderous cluster bombs and depleted uranium missiles were also deployed.”

If at times Zolo goes too far in his skepticism about universally valid rights, he has nonetheless shown the fallacies of an all-too-common judicial model of international relations. What Isabel Paterson called “the humanitarian with the guillotine” poses a constant danger.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (84)


>The village of Rozovka (Andreevka) has been completely taken over by the Russian Armed Forces.
>The Timkovka tract to the west of Orlyanka has also been under the control of the Russian Federation since today. There were several houses that were occupied during the assault.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (85)


In a window of six hours, Palestinian special forces soldiers used conventional and unconventional tactics to bypass the sophisticated security zone that has long enclosed the heavily surveilled people of Gaza and kill over a thousand Israelis — primarily armed militiamen in their settlements and Israeli soldiers in their bases — while capturing hundreds more. October 7th will go down in history as the most devastating attack on the Zionist project in all of its history.

This act triggered an erratic, poorly planned rampage by the Jewish state that has shocked the world and turned Israel into a pariah. The International Criminal Court, an institutioncreated by the Zionistinventors of human rights doctrine and international law to punish their enemies in the Third Reich and the Arab world, has even issued arrest warrants for Israeli leadership.

The decision to subject themselves to this fate was not made lightly, it was an existential gamble taken as a last resort according to the most elemental principle of all:to be or not to be.

World events in the last 35 years have been disastrous for the Palestinian cause. The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 meant the demise of the movement’s chief diplomatic and military backer. The 1993 Oslo Accords effectively destroyed the PLO’s threat as an armed entity, which predictably led to the Jewish state throwing out its side of the bargain by swallowing up more and more of the West Bank as the corrupt Palestinian Authority looks on.

The Muslim world, from Jordan to Indonesia, last took to the streets in large numbers in support Palestinian rights in 2009, but various civil wars and economic crises throughout the Middle East since then pushed the issue into the rearview mirror.

The Abraham Accords, which were slated to end in Saudi Arabia — home to Islam’s two most sacred cities — recognizing the legitimacy of Israel’s domination over the Palestinian people, could’ve been the last nail in the Palestinian coffin.

Hamas’ political leadership, many who live in Doha and had grown accustomed to the Gulf Arab lifestyle of luxury hotels and sports cars, were showing a growing willingness to drift away from the militant Iranians and Lebanese that had sponsored their armed struggle for decades.

When the American-Israeli-Gulf State backed insurgency against Bashar al-Assad began in 2011, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh disappointed his faithful Iranian, Syrian and Lebanese allies by deciding to move the group’s base out of Syria to Qatar. In what appeared to be misplaced Sunni solidarity, and perhaps an attempt to cozy up to the wealthy Gulf states as a backup plan,Haniyeh gave a speech attacking Assadto a crowd chanting “Death to Hezbollah!,” as well as endorsing the overthrow of the Syrian government. When Assad emerged victorious and the dust settled, Hamas’ relationship with Iran and Hezbollah chilled, creating a critical strategic setback for the Palestinian resistance that took years to fix.

Haniyeh’s opportunistic distancing from his allies in their time of need was by no means the consensus within Hamas, and by the end of his term in 2017, he was permanently sent away to Qatar to become the chairman of the group’s political bureau, a “demotion promotion” that is in effect a glorified ambassadorship.

Replacing him as chief of Gaza, arguably the most important role in Hamas besides command of the al-Qassem Brigades, was a low-key figure who would go on to become international Jewry’s Most Wanted: Yahya Sinwar.

The Man Who Rattled Zion

Gaza’s leader, Yahya Sinwar, was born to parents who were evicted from their homes by Jewish militia groups during the 1948 ethnic cleansing of what is today the Israeli city of Ashkelon. Yahya was born in 1962 in the Khan Yunis refugee camp, a location that has been repeatedly subjected toIsraeli atrocitiesand soul-crushing poverty.

At his United Nations sponsored elementary school, Sinwar — whose surname translates to fisherman — academically excelled. As a student of Arabic Language at the Islamic University of Gaza, Sinwar was an active political organizer, though at the time he dedicated himself to organizing exclusively non-violent resistance. In spite of his attempts to remain within the law, Israeli authorities arrested and tortured him multiple times throughout the 1980s for his political activities.

After meeting several Palestinian radicals in jail and having suffered repeated betrayals at the hands of snitches, Sinwar ultimately concluded that the vast network of Palestinian turncoats informing to Israeli authorities on their neighbors were the most important hurdle holding the nationalist movement back. In response to this, he founded the counter-espionage group Munazzamat al Jihad w’al-Dawa (MAJD) in 1986, which specialized in rooting out and punishing rats.

Though generally described as thoughtful and charitable, Sinwar’s ruthlessness towards those who betray the Palestinian cause is well-established.

In 1989, Israeli courts sentenced him to life in prison for killing dozens of their assets. Sinwar later told Shin Bet interrogators that hewould always refusefirearms when executing informants, instead preferring to strangle them with his bare hands as a matter of principle.

Sinwar remained a prisoner in Israeli jails until 2011, when Israel traded him along with 1,026 other Palestinian inmates for the abducted IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. Hamas considered this lop-sided exchange a victory, but upon learning of his release, Sinwar sent word to Gaza that they should rip up the agreement and renegotiate so that no Palestinian inmate would be left behind.

Some Israeli prison officials, who over the years had noticed Sinwar’s unusually high intelligence and dedication to the Palestinian cause, recommended that he not be released, but they were overruled by their superiors who believed securing Shalit’s return was a political emergency. Upon his return to Gaza, Sinwar was instrumental in perfecting the practice of hostage-taking of Jews within Hamas’ armed wing.

Master of Jewish Psychology

Following his ascension to leadership in 2017, Sinwar sought to visibly exhaust every possible diplomatic option prior to presenting his dramatic 2023 armed response.

His first order of business was to revamp Hamas’ charter, most notably reducing the group’s maximalist aims of full Jewish expulsion and replacing it with a more practical acceptance of a two-state solution, which even Western sponsors of Israel publicly claim to support. Sinwar followed this by arresting violent lone wolves under his jurisdiction in Gaza on requests from Egypt and even taking to Israeli television to plead with the Jews, in fluent Hebrew, to end the siege on Gaza and agree to a truce.

Solipsistic and insolent Israelis, including within the intelligence services, interpreted these gestures as a sign of capitulation, causing them demote the Gaza security threat down the list beneath Hezbollah, Iran’s nuclear program, and Syria. In hindsight, this set the stage for the massive security lapse that would come later.

By late 2017, the Zionist lobby got Donald Trump to strike a symbolic blow to any hopes of a two-state solution by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Small US protectorates such as Guatemala, Kosovo and Papua New Guinea would follow suit.

Sinwar responded in 2018 by helping organize a series of peaceful protests to try and rekindle global attention to the floundering Palestinian cause: the Great March of Return. Israeli snipers responded to these demonstrations by opening fire on the crowds of unarmed men, women, and children,killing 223and wounding thousands more.

The killing of peaceful protesters did not have the effect on global opinion the Palestinians had hoped for. They were able to secure generic, unenforceable UN resolutions condemning Israel, but ultimately their only achievement was to give the US government an excuse to unilaterally cuthundreds of millions of dollarsin humanitarian aid to Gaza and the West Bank. Because no Jews were hurt, the ordeal was quickly washed out of the news cycle.

By 2020, the US government beganopenly supportingIsrael’s internationally denounced settlement expansion into East Jerusalem, further squeezing the remnants of Palestinians in the area. That same year, Benjamin Netanyahuannounced plansto formally annex the West Bank, a massive betrayal of the Oslo Accords and a delegitimization of the Palestinian Authority’s decision to put down its weapons. As this transpired, the taboo in the Muslim world against openly supporting Israel was being eroded by Jared Kushner’s Abraham Accords, which Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and Sudan all become signatories to.

By the spring of 2023, mobs of Jewish supremacists were regularly invading the area in and around the al-Aqsa Mosque,viciously beatingMuslims as they tried to enter to pray with the full support of Israeli police forces overseen by the Kahanist Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Most men would’ve resigned themselves to their fate by this point, but Sinwar had a special power for identifying his enemy’s Achilles heel. During his incarceration, Sinwar learned to speak and read Hebrew. He dedicated himself to reading Israeli newspapers, as well as books on Jewish history and World War II. During the 22 years he spent incarcerated, the man described as “Spartan” and “single-minded” in his lifestyle, even after being freed, devoted himself to uncovering the political and ethnic weaknesses of the Jews and the Zionist worldview.

For this reason, Israeli commentators regularly refer to Sinwar as an almost mythical boogeyman type figure, a “little Hitler” (how Netanyahu references him) that holds a master key to the Jewish mind. This one-man Frankfurt School belligerently studied the Jews in the same fashion that Sigmund Freud, Edward Bernais, Else Frenkel-Brunswik, and Theodore Adorno once mapped out the white man’s dreams, impulses, vulnerabilities, and subconsciousness. In Israel, Sinwar is spoken of with the begrudging respect an equally matched adversary has earned compared to American media, which presents him as an irrational one-dimensionalDurka Durkaterrorist.

Most who have sought to understand Sinwar’s calculations agree that he launched October 7th knowing it would trigger a hysterical overreaction. A cutting-edge artificial intelligence programdevelopedto find patterns in Sinwar’s decision-making process so far found that his thinking is highly scientific and rational, creating outcomes many steps in advance.

The central promise of the Zionist project is that it is a safehouse for the Jews of the world, regardless of where they are from orwhat crimesthey are evading.

Sinwar’s plan was a functional refutation of this promise, transforming Israel from a novelty security blanket into a resource drain for the global Jewish diaspora, forcing them to request top level officials in their pay in Washington, Paris, Berlin and London to take politically unpopular and unjustifiable risks.

Jewish settlers that used to live near the Gaza Strip now refuse to return. Record numbers of Israelishave been reporting serious mental health problemssince October 7th and are seriously considering leaving the country.

Every day, new videos are published to Telegram showing al-Qassem and Hezbollah soldiers blowing up Israeli tanks, shooting Israeli soldiers, and even a new clip of one of 10 existingIron Dome batteriesbeing destroyed by rockets. The situation is so dire that Joe Biden is now publicly conceding thatIsrael has lost the warand they have no choice but to negotiate.

Overnight, Israel’s barbaric war on women and children has taken it from being on the brink of full recognition by the Sunni Muslim world to its diplomats, citizens and supporters becoming persona non-grata everywhere, from Columbia to Colombia. The South Asian island of Maldives even appears willing to withstand American sanctions in retaliation fortheir decision to ban allIsraelis from their country.

On October 6th, the Palestinians were largely isolated, ignored and bound to vanish, likely through forced emigration. Today, they count Russia and China as highly activated supporters of a full-fledged Palestinian state. A super majority of nationsvotedto accept Palestine as a UN member state.

Three European states — Ireland, Spain and Norway — have recognized a Palestinian state, though with many conditions. The response to this acknowledgement from Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has been thuggish. Smotrich has vowed that recognitions of the Palestinian people will lead to thetheft of all of their tax revenuesfrom the West Bank and the Palestinian Authority, who played no role in the October 7th attack.

Sinwar’s desperate gambit has been painful, but the death and destruction the Palestinian people have suffered has not been in vain. The Palestinian people’s characterizations of Israelis as bloodthirsty sad*sts was once dismissed as hyperbolic, anti-Jewish conjecture. Today the whole world has daily examples beamed into their smartphones and computers, proving that they were right all along.

The Netanyahu government, despite being unpopular for reasons unrelated to the Gaza war, is the pure distillation of the Talmudic spirit. The fact that billions can now see this could have dire and unforeseeable in the future.

Nobody has ever punched Israel in the nose like this and lived to tell about it. This is the reason for the Israeli government’s almost suicidal refusal to negotiate a ceasefire. They know that every day Yahya Sinwar lives represents a granule of sand in the Hourglass bound to bury the state of Israel for good.

Throughout this conflict, Sinwar has been playing the Israelis like a cat whose caught a mouse. Last February, at the height of fighting within Gaza, Sinwartoldnervous Hamas leaders in Qatar and Turkey being gaslit by foreign news reports that they had the IDF — who were being picked off one by one by tunnel dwelling guerrillas — exactly where they want them.

In April, Hamas strengthened its negotiating hand during ceasefire talks by releasing videos of captured hostages — many that were presumed dead — which provoked large demonstrationsfrom Jews demanding the Netanyahu do whatever it takes to get them back.

As we speak, Israelis areonce again rallyingin even greater numbers demanding Netanyahu take the current offer for a ceasefire in order to bring home the hostages.

The Israeli protesters demands are infantile: kill Sinwar, exterminate or expel the Palestinians,andget all the hostages back home safe. Netanyahu has so far been unable to break the bad news to them and he has no concrete military victories to wave around.

When all is said and done, it is conceivable that Sinwar could remain the leader of Hamas and outlast Netanyahu’s regime, which has ruled Israel for a total of 16 years. A world where Netanyahu is scapegoated and jailed by the Israelis for the failure in Gaza and a renewed, energized Palestinian movement emerges from the rubble is possible.

With nothing behind him but sheer will power, Yahya Sinwar may have altered the course of history.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (86)


I’m a McDonald’s lifer. Love it. But $12.42 for a McDouble, medium fries and bottled water? That’s untenable

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (87)

“cant afford real food” but can afford this multiple times a week.


Bionca Ellis is the woman accused of stabbing the 3-year-old in Ohio recently. Look at the delight she feels after murdering that little white boy.



White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (88)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (89)


lizardcentric humor



White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (90)


Richard Gage, AIA, Architect


[RG911Team] Firefighters know that fireproofed steel high rises cannot come down due to fire. That’s why none of the buildings shown below completely collapsed. But WTC Building 7 and the Twin Towers did on 9/11. So we have to ask: why?


New Ukrainian recruits during training.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (91)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (92)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (93)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (94)





White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (95)


she-chad rails against nerds and their gayness



Brother Nathanael


No Alex, the Jews who own Pfizer are the head of the beast. Ever heard of Larry Fink, Albert Bourla, and Mikail Dolstein? Fauci works for them and will never go to jail.



White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (96)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (97)

truly great


WHOA. Received this from a follower. This was just taken at Logan Airport in Boston. Democrats turned Boston into a Sanctuary City and passed a “right-to-shelter” law. These are the results:


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (98)



Many white slaves were sold by Oliver Cromwell to the whip-crackers of huge West Indies sugar plantations. Barbados, a sweltering Hades closer to South America than North America, became a favored dumping ground of Cromwell’s political enemies. He sacked so many of his opponents in this manner, the practice became known as being “Barbadosed.” Cromwell was said to have Barbadosed at least a hundred thousand of his politico-religious foes. With one decree in 1651, Cromwell enslaved seven to eight thousand Scots and British Royalists he’d conquered at Worcester and sent them all clanging in chains off to the New World. He also sent Irish survivors of the slaughter at Drogheda into slavery. In the 1640s, more than eighty-five percent of the estimated twenty-five thousand slaves in Barbados were white. In 1653, an estimated half of all white Barbadians were Cromwell’s political and religious slaves. (Hoffman, They Were White and They Were Slaves, p. 68, citing Jill Y. Sheppard, The “Redlegs” of Barbados, p. 18.)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (99)

funny thing is, a lot of them probably wound up owning some pretty nice property

Watch Errol Flynn in “Captain Blood” to get the gist of this. The English civil war was brutal..


The chief priestess of Gomoa Okyereko pours libation, pleading with the river god Ayensu to keep calm following the recent overflow that caused floods in the area.

no different from praying to (((jesus)))


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (100)

Iran Observer



BREAKING USA is trying to detect the Russian Kazan nuclear submarine with the P8 Poseidon The Submarine armed with hypersonic cruise missile has been invited by the Cuban government

that thing could blast DC in probably 1-3 minutes if not quicker


Christianity has grown significantly in sub-Saharan Africa and the Asia-Pacific region.In 1910, 9% of the population in sub-Saharan Africa was Christian, but by 2010 that number had increased to 63%.In the Asia-Pacific region, the percentage of Christians increased from 3% to 7% during the same period.



White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (101)

End Wokeness



We officially have the Bud Light of 2024. UGG just partnered witg Alok Vaid-Menon for Pride Month 2024. Alok once said men should be allowed to use girIs restrooms because… “little girIs are also kinky” and not innocent. #BoycottUGG. Make it trend.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (102)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (103)




Manufactured Food Shortages are coming. ‘The Grab’ is an upcoming Documentary we probably should all watch.. Australia just introduced ‘temporary egg shortages’… JWO is full steam ahead..


Think well of your own & promote what is good, but have no doubt: our own race has produced some of the worst & most treacherous scum this planet has ever seen. Being “White” is not enough. We DIE because of our own & their willingness to serve “pure evil” for their own comfort.

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (104)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (105)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (106)



But, you know, not if that meantlowering their standard of livingat all.

Baby boomers can see younger Australians are struggling financially and want to help where they can, but they are not willing to do so at the expense of their retirement lifestyle, new research shows.

Four in five Australians over 65 think their children are facing harder times than they experienced at the same age and a corresponding three in four believe passing on their wealth is important, according to new research by the banking and superannuation company AMP.

But despite wanting to help, seven in 10 surveyed said they were unlikely to compromise their retirement lifestyle to do so.

If there is one thing you can count on from Boomers, it’s that they will make the wrong choice every single time and they’ll always have an excuse to justify it. They’d love to see the grandkids… but not if that means actually going there to visit them. Oh, and they’d love to have the grandkids come and stay with them, sadly, the one week the kids have school vacation just happens to land on the very dates they’ve got that cruise planned.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (110)

onanist is a little known syn for masturbator. comes from Onan in bible.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (111)

The pride flag crosswalk in Spokane, Washington, has now been designated a “no-go zone” by Lime scooters following the arrest of multiple teens for leaving “skid marks” on the mural. The scooters will now shut down if they are driven over the pride flag.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (112)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (113)

Völkisch Spirit ?



Contrary to what the coping Christians insist, Martin Bormann’s quote is 100% authentic, he really DID say Christianity and National Socialism are irreconcilable. Proven here: https://archive.org/details/bormanns-memorandum-is-authentic/mode/2up National Socialism is not Christian.


Like all science fiction, the bible by Uninspired Jews belongs shunted to the bookstore’s lower east shelfside where fidgety men with darty eyes can stow it under their raincoat and dart to the counter of a slow moment.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (114)

jew simonson (sp?)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (115)

The Hellenist



Dogs do not hate their masters. What makes you think slaves did?

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (116)


Jake Shields



If you say the Chinese control the country, nobody cares If you say Russians control the country nobody cares If you say Jews run the country, you will be fired, censored, doxed, threatened, and have your bank shut down They really want to prove that they don’t run the country


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (117)

Scott Adams



The conditions that made marriage and kids the best solution for nearly everyone have changed. And it isn’t likely to return. We’re not being realistic on this topic.


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (118)


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (119)

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (120)


In Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, a football match was abruptly halted and eventually canceled in the 70th minute when fans began singing a modified version of the Eurodance song “l’amour toujour.” The altered lyrics included the chant “Germany for Germans, foreigners out,” which sparked controversy and led to the match’s discontinuation. Deutschland ist für Deutsche – Ausländer raus!

White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (121)





I keep seeing people melting down that the “far right” is rising through Europe and the USA. 1. You’ve flooded millions of third world immigrants into first world countries trying to erase White people. 2. You’ve canonized the worst dregs of society and favor special privileges for all of those destroying our nations. 3. You’ve tried to indoctrinate our kids in an effort to turn them into gay/trans/communists. 4. You’ve forced us to fund endless wars. 5. You ruined the lives of millions of people by forcing them to choose between their careers or taking an experimental vaccine. 6. You’ve destroyed our economies. Your concern is valid, nationally and globally, we are inevitable.


‘FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA’ has been removed from -880 theaters already after only 2 weeks of release in the US. The film earned only $4.2M domestically this weekend


White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (122)


The Russian military has begun converting thousands of it’s old Soviet tanks into remote control drones! Can’t wait to see swarms of remote controlled Soviet era T-55 and T-62 tanks deployed to the battlefield.


trucking as a disguise.

In a new book –‘Long Haul: Hunting the Highway Serial Killers’– Figliuzzi lays bare in forensic detail how hundreds of truckers trawl rest stops, motels and roadside restaurants for victims.

They kill and move on, all but untraceable. Most shocking, the FBI’s ‘Highway Serial Killings Initiative’ (HSK) estimates that between 400 and 500 truckers could be implicated in a huge number of murders over the past 35 years.

As many as 850 women have disappeared or been found dead along the main interstate routes. And yet only a handful of killers have been caught.

The HSK is led by Catherine DeVane, she specializes in the behavioral analysis of criminals. Her team match crimes to killers. Forensic evidence is crucial.

So too is identifying the ‘modus operandi’ – an individual killer’s hallmark techniques.

The hallmark of Robert Ben Rhoades, one of the first ‘truck-stop killers’ on record, was a sick fetish: He shaved the pubic hair of his victims.


View gallery

    The hallmark of Robert Ben Rhoades (pictured), one of the first ‘truck-stop killers’ on record, was a sick fetish: He shaved the pubic hair of his victims.


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      Rhoades is thought to have killed 50 women over 15 years. Like Mendenhall, he built a mobile torture dungeon into the back of his truck.

      Rhoades is thought to have killed 50 women over 15 years. Like Mendenhall, he built a mobile torture dungeon into the back of his truck.

      Behind its steel door, women were held captive in handcuffs. Rhoades inflicted agonies by piercing their flesh with fish-hooks. Many were prostitutes. His final victim, Regina Walters, was not – in fact, she was just 14 years old.

      She had ran away from her dysfunctional family home in Pasadena, Texas, with her boyfriend Ricky in 1990. Rhoades picked them up near Houston and swiftly killed Ricky, shooting him in the head.

      He kept Regina prisoner, raping her repeatedly, for weeks. To torment her family, he even called her father and told him, ‘I made some changes. I cut her hair.’

      Regina’s corpse was discovered at a deserted Illinois farmhouse. She had been strangled.

      Catherine DeVane divides trucker homicides into two categories. Some men want to ‘control life and death,’ she says. They need to ‘feel the power of controlling the outcome’.

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      Inside the depraved world of highway serial killers

      White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (123)

      These killers typically rape and sexually torture their victims. They enjoy inflicting fear as well as pain.

      Other men kill out of compulsion. ‘They don’t want to have sex,’ says DeVane. ‘They just want to murder someone.’

      The two categories can overlap, as in the case of Mendenhall. Some of his killings were protracted exercises in sadism. Others were literally hit-and-run.

      In the U.S., there are a million truckers.

      The largest age group is 45 to 54, but 7 percent are 65 or older. Over 70 percent are white, and just 12 per cent are black. Nearly 10 percent admit to drinking daily, 20 percent describe themselves as binge drinkers, and more than 25 per cent admit to using amphetamines and cocaine to stay awake on long hauls.

      The HSK team has charted truck-stop killings along all the major interstate routes in the U.S. But one stands out.

      On a map, it is a long spatter of red dots like blood droplets, from Wilmington, North Carolina, to Barstow, California. The red dots run through Raleigh, Nashville, Memphis, Little Rock, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, Albuquerque and Flagstaff. That’s the I-40 interstate.

      Across America, just 25 ex-truckers are in prison for murder. DeVane and the HSK have been instrumental in the arrest and prosecution of many of them.


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        Behind its steel door, women were held captive in handcuffs. Rhoades inflicted agonies by piercing their flesh with fish-hooks. Many were prostitutes. (Pictured: Rhoades’ torture chamber located inside his truck)


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          One of Rhoades’ victims was 14-year-old Regina Walters (pictured by Rhoades), a runaway from Pasadena, Texas. A horrifying final picture of Walters shows her with a shaved head, forced into a black dress and high heels, looking terrified of Rhoades behind the camera.


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            One is Dellmus Colvin, a shaven-headed black man now 64 years old. He was dubbed the ‘Interstate Strangler’. Following his arrest in 2004, Colvin told detectives he didn’t keep a tally of his murders.

            He couldn’t remember them all. But later he estimated he’d killed between 47 and 52 women, almost all sex workers.

            Like Mendenhall, he wrapped their corpses in plastic sheeting and duct tape. But he denied having sexual intercourse with the bodies, and insisted rape was not his chief motive. He just enjoyed killing, he said.

            Detectives believed him. Frequently during interviews, he burst out laughing as he recalled the murders.

            On one occasion, he said, he took a phone call from his mother while he was killing a woman. None of that troubled him. He liked to look into his victims’ eyes as they died, he said.

            ‘I always sleep well at night,’ he added.

            Colvin has been convicted of seven murders and is held in Lebanon Correctional Institution, Ohio. He told investigators where many other victims were buried but refuses to provide information on killings he committed in states where murder carries the death penalty.

            Most of Colvin’s victims, and the great majority of women killed by truckers, are ‘lot lizards’.

            That’s what the drivers call sex workers at truck stops, part of a coded language that has grown up over decades.

            Dr Celia Williamson, a social-work professor at the University of Toledo, has spent 30 years studying adult prostitution and the sex trafficking of minors in America.

            ‘Truck-stop and street-level prostitution has its own culture, its own language, and its own processes,’ she told Frank Figliuzzi. Common terms include ‘trick’, a trucker looking for sex, and ‘house’, the trailer behind his cab.

            A ‘stable’ is a pimp’s coterie of sex workers or ‘shorties’. A girl who is ‘out of pocket’ is working for herself – though that’s a dangerous tactic. Without anyone to protect or look out for her, she is easy prey.

            That could be why ‘out of pocket’ can refer to a woman who has simply disappeared.


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              Dellmus Colvin (pictured) is a shaven-headed black man now 64 years old. He was dubbed the ‘Interstate Strangler’. Following his arrest in 2004, Colvin told detectives he didn’t keep a tally of his murders

              To keep an eye on the younger, more vulnerable women, pimps use older, experienced sex workers. These women are known as ‘bottoms’.

              It is usual for a ‘bottom’ to accompany a young prostitute on her rounds as she goes from cab to cab at a truck stop, knocking on windows and offering her services.

              It is not uncommon for a pimp to demand each of his ‘shorties’ must bring back $1,000 a night – and keep working till dawn if necessary.

              Dr Williamson points out how all the power is on the truckers’ side. ‘It’s not a pleasant experience,’ she says, ‘for a girl to put her face in the lap of a trucker who’s been driving for ten hours.’

              But the ‘shorties’ are desperate to earn money. If they don’t meet their targets, they will be beaten. Addicts (and most truck-stop prostitutes are users) will be denied their drugs, usually heroin or meth.

              The drivers have the money. They also control the rendezvous, the cab of their truck. And when the encounters are over, they can simply drive away.

              Prostitutes who report sex abuse are often not taken seriously. Too often, police officers stop taking notes – and stop taking interest – when they learn how these women earn a living.

              That’s all too true even when concerned friends report disappearances or suspected murders.

              ‘Should a male-dominated police force even be investigating such things?’ asks Dr Williamson, ‘You know, police participate as well.’

              Pimps and ‘bottoms’ teach new girls how to keep themselves safe. This includes staying away from truckers with a reputation for violence. But it also means being constantly ready to flee.

              ‘During [oral sex],’ Dr Williamson told Figliuzzi, ‘while in the passenger side of the vehicle, [the prostitute] places her right foot near the car door, her right hand near the door handle. And she keeps her left hand free, to punch him in the face.’

              Precautions like these were irrelevant to the victims of Adam Leroy Lane. On a chilly summer night in Nashville, in 2007, he left his truck and went prowling through the streets.


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                Adam Leroy Lane (pictured) was sentenced to 25 years for the attack ofKevin and Jeannie McDonough’s 15-year-old daughter, Shea.

                Breaking into the house of Kevin and Jeannie McDonough, Lane found his way to the bedroom of their 15-year-old daughter, Shea.

                Kevin was woken by her cry. He burst into the room and threw himself on Lane. Jeannie wrenched the 15-inch hunting knife from his hand.

                Miraculously, Shea survived – and Lane was sentenced to 25 years for the attack. He later also pleaded guilty to murdering two women and the attempted murder of a third.

                In his truck, police found knives, wire garottes and a martial arts throwing star.

                What no one knows for sure, not even the FBI’s Highway Serial Killings Initiative, is how many other truckers carry these weapons of torture – and how many women’s bodies have never been found.

                Long Haul: Hunting the Highway Serial Killersby Frank Figliuzzi is published by Harper Collins and out now.

                more or less a book ad masquerading as news story


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                White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (125)


                White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (126)


                White World Wrap (2024-06-11) | Kirksville Today (2024)


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