Ledger-Star from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

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Norfolk, Virginia

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9 Births Reported in Norfolk Portsmouth Dennis The Menace By Hank Ketcham NOROLK GENERAL HOSPITAL Off the Record '1 PICTURE SECRET keep up until you give me a nickel By Jimmy Hitl DO IT VERY TIME 'Th groom always gh dizzy on high places)' STAR GAXER Lifelines 4 5 7 14 l17 2431 yenezuelanvVefttWe' I Jacoby on Bridge NORTH 24 54 i 8764 Eorth Pass 5T IK 51 HI U4 SKBTIOM IMO IJACK ON TWINS 0 1 JtN ANNIE ItCffT HANA NOUYWDOP rt SAY M3URe ABOUT YOU 00? MTU LAST YEAR' 1 ii CrtTrSt: 1 They don't OKAY WHERE'5 ii irtfi lb ii tfCRRDJivUzMta iiaaiBM 2 47 56 58 51 63 85 86 DIDN'T ANYONE TELL COL CANYON THAT THE OLSON BCV HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY ROM THE HOSPITAL? NOT OUR JOB CLP VKJ962 AKJ10 J2J 24 HftROlb GRAY SOUTH 4A32 OH COL CAbWObi GLAP YOU'RE OUTOBEP WEST AKQ109 VQ107 Q953 4K9 1 DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT BY VOLUNTEERING TDBETRAINED BY "METHOD 28MokiM 29 inanoolly 30 You'll UCM ra io By OSWALD JACOBY Written for NEA Service MAY 22 JUNE 22 51 27 Epochal majMty 29 Drees 32 Scent 38 Verb forms 40 Mock 42 Against (ab) TTY we merely INVESTIGATE W6 DON'T GOSSIP WITH EMJ AWTueiAe THING ABOUT fT TTrAfTCTlAG CCJW SOKKf TO HURRY AWAY GENTLEMEN GOT TO 5EE MY A WUNG RIEND OLSON 11 ABNER STEVE CANYON KERRY DRAKE ACROSS 1 Venezuelan capital 8 It is South northernmost By OSWALD JACOBYWritten tor NEA Service Twenty five years ago the weak jump overall was known as a Jacoby because I was about the only player who used it Latef on young Alvin Roth and young Tobias Stone adopted it as part of system and' today it is used by about half of our top players' Thebid will always be con troversiaT because it is' definitely intended to produce swings and does produce them one way or ByALEOKUM WHY DOES EACH RAINBOW LOOK DIERENT? EXYIM NflUJ AM TERMS MINEI You say everybody is against Gideon and lev ns BUdinwv OU TOC Judy? 2 East and West vulnerable East South West 1 Pass 1 APaas 3 NT DoublePass' Pass YES I'VE DECIDED BOTH SHOULD GO ON A DIET Ulp 'CAN? IO Ledger Dispatch and Star Sat Oct 24 1959 Norfolk Portsmouth Va DE PAUL HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs Ernest Morris 5509 Levine Creseht girl Capt and Mrs Thomas Glid den 1425 Little Creek Rd girl Mr and Mrs George Dieck Jr 9535 Cape View Ave boy Mr and Mrs Benjamine Kennedy 909 Pattie Lane boy Mr and Mrs William Milles Jr Rt 1 Box 177 Lynnhaven boy Mr and Mrs Harry Custer 8073 Peachi Creeke Lane boy Mr and Mrs Thurston Ewell 2946 Ambler Ave girt NAVAL HOSPITAL Mr and Mrs Ronald Capron Thomas 540 Maryland Ave boy Mr and Mrs Lawrence William Twitchell 531 Briar Hill Rd boy' Mr and Mrs Herman Albert Hughes Triangle Trailer Court Virginia Beach girl Mr and Mrs David Arlington Breymeir 9610 Sherwood Place boy' Mr and Mrs Quitrel Lee Camp bell Rt Box 150 Bayside girl Mr and Mrs William Thomas isher Box 182 Driver? girl Mr and Mrs Philip Richard Schaefer 633 28th St girl SETT 22 OCT 23 32CMwm 33 Th 34 And 35rtenfahif 36ProboHr 37 Hopp 38 Hord 39WiU 40Busmqi 41 And 42You 43'Raod 44 Today 45 Through 46 Brine 47 Gam 48A 491 50Eitent 51 Waorirana 52 Today 53 You54 Raohaa 55 or 56 Mort 57 Yom 58 By 45 Hereditary unit 47 Remnante 48Bouta 49 Skin affliction 50WmL 52 Globe 53 Electrice! unto'" nutiwwa I a stamisiEd aiaaaraH I LJWBJnefeJ EISlHHfSa I3CH3H HMG3E L4LJEJ raid raras 11411 I3ES JH amaiag LILI Mura ririn IIIJJO IdMraisniM mishi tzimr: 31 IITir 3 raitfia CTIJiaM IMMWCJ rjiaE? MEiaiirjiB QlLlUlZlE lg I Win the Britannica World Atlas or Yearbook of Events Send yoer riddles jokes tricks to Me winner is! Marcia ennell 7 Kingston Ja maica Add and subtract the letters in the names of the things shown Clue: a strong pull Answer to Would You See This Jamestown Virginia the other whith great frequency three club bid is an example of the weak jump' over call at its weakest His neck was stuck out further than the pro verbial mile but he vul nerable South had a good hand and decided to increase the gamble by a three no trump bid and West doubled instantly North stuck by his guns and passed Weak overcallers always have stout hearts South stayed there also and won the opening heart lead There was no point holding off when the diamond suit was wide open? The queen of dubs lead came West ducked South bought awhile and took the fi nesse When it worked he had his contract JHad it lost Jjejvould have been down five I NQki'tL EECCME INHUMAN ENOUGH SAVE THIS COUNTRY BY KILLING SHMOOS Win the Britannica Junior 15 volume encyclopedia for school for school and home Send your questions name age address to "Tell Me care of this paper winner is: Alex ander McDonald I Halifax fert Scotia it a wonderful sight to see a rainbow in the sky? Peqple have always been so delighted by this spectacle that they made up all kinds of fables and stories about it Everybody knows about the legend that there is supposed to be i pot of gold at the end of the rainbow Of course people with a scien tific turn of mind have tried to find a scientific explanation for the rainbow What causes it? Why does each rainbow look different? Why does there sometimes seem to be two rainbows together one inside the' other? A rainbow is the result of the bending of light Ordinary white light or sunlight is a mixture of all colors When this light goes through something such as a prism it is broken up into the different wave lengths that are seen by our eyes as red orange yellow green blue and violet Under certain conditions when there are raindrops in the sky the raindrops act as prisms and break up the sunlight We see his hap pen as a rainbow during showers when rain is falling arid the sun shining at the same time but on opposite sides of us or instance the sun is behind us aftd on a straight line from there the show ers are in front of us The colors of the rainbow are arranged with red on the outside and blue and violet on the inside The second rainbow sometimes seen outside the first one has red on the inside and violet on the outside of the arc Why shoud there be two rain bows and why does each rain bow look (Efferent? Remember the sunlight is passing through a falling raindrop The Shape of this raindrop is not perfectly round But the light strikes every part of the "drop So' the light is bent one way by one part of the raindrop and is bent another way by another part of the drop 4 These differences in the way the light is bent produce the two dif ferent bows at the same time Also some drops are large and some small The size of the drops How is your vocabulary? There is no better or more fascinating way to improve it than by solving these anagrams each day Add the letters in the first column to the letters in the second column and rearrange the letters so as to form a new word EXAMPLE: ENDjilus SEE equals AN SWER: DEENSE Can you solve the following anagrams? (1) REAL plus THUG equals (2) LACE plus PIES equals (3) MADE plus VILE equals (4) ADES plus CERE equals (5) RASH plus CERE equals Solutions to ana grams will be printed Monday Here are the answers to yester day's anagrams: (1) BASSINET (2) CANISTER (3) TERMINAL (4) REHEARSE (5) DEBONAIR (Th Bell Syndtcete Inel 5 Impartiality 6 Pismire 7 Streets (ab) 8 Guillemots 10 Ancient Syria 11 instant (form form) 12 Hessiah river 18 It Is in (ab) 20 Revelry 22 Seraglio rooms 23Verthandl 24 Tendon icomo xormi sjriee 25 Awakenings 44 Arab ruler I ADMIT IT i vunw nn Nn th tiipn YOU IN I BUT LOOK? Wt MHKC A DEAL? AH SUCH BOORISH BEHAVIOR ONE CANNOT EAT A EW K5S 1 WITHOUT INTERRUPTION Mr and Mra Robert Hutter 417 Harvard St girl Mr and Mrs loyd James 1860 Atlantic Ave South Norfolk boy Mr and Mn William John son 1510 Cernter St Ports mouth boy Mr and Mrs Romeo Mar chand 1503 Terrell St Bayside boy Mr and Mrs McAllister Banks 406 Walter Ave boy Mr and Mrs James Robin son 890 Asbuyr Ave girl Mr and' Mrs Hosea Scott 818 Hill St South Norfolk boy 5 pm AJ87653 EAST (D) ISIdolizer 14 Removed axial portion 15 Aptitudes 16anon 17 Hill nymph 18 Reason 19 Decorated 22 Province 26 Piercing 30 Agent 31 Ear (comb form) 33 Woody perennial 34 Tuscany river 35 Small child 36 Disburden' 37 Rostrum 39 Walks falteringly 7 41 Rigorous i 43 Inaugurate 46 Stately 51 Prognostic 52 Its principal river L' 54 log (dial) 55 Blushes 56 Ringlet 57 Beatifies DOWN 1 Down (combform) 2 Hebrew month' Suncttoa 4ldd Win the Britannica World Atlas Yearbook of Events Send your riddles jokes tricks to Me winner is: Jo Ann Verdier 14 Richmond Va hapjjened to be handy it at just the right timer but hei rno ritriLB tt i man I've always utantea' TW4 IS AGENT KEEL CHECK PE AND AGEMT TAILS WITH YOU ELPERMAN A80JTTHE 8EA6LE OICE MISIRE1 (r SPECIAL IN VESTIGATIONS? Yon Sooth hold: AAQ76 VAKQ193 Q48 What do you do? By OAT POLLAN JK Yow Doily MMHf Guith Recording to Hie Stan To develop messoge for Sunday read words corresponding to numbers 6 Worthing a Which 63 rom 64 inance 65 The 66 Worthwhite 67Urxter 68 WM 69 Your 70Unewnttot 71 Won't 72SurpriM 73RwMte 74 Profit 75WishM 76 Day 5UTMT 78 And 79 To BOCorwicter 81 82 Be 83Pteam 84 Premnt R5 Bottom 86Up 87ApM 88 Yau 59 Opportinttei 89 inal 60 Propoelfipn 90 Hew' By ANNE CAMPBELL ONUMDAY Because in this building fine words CONGRATULATIONS YOU THINK AST 56T PRAKE BUT NOT AST ENOvoH Mr and Mr Robert Atwell III 1014 Rockbridge Ave girl Mr and Mrs Lester Shafer 9619 17th Bay St boy Mr and Mrs William 'L Stal lings 1121 Holly St South Nor folk boy Mr and Mr Dolye Hull 805 Round Bay Rd girl Oaklet te Parsonage Scene el Open House Open will be held at the' parsonage of Oaklette Methodist Chcri" 1253 OaHette DrM Sunday from 3 to JOB IS DONE YOU'LL BE TOO INCURABLY ROTTEM TO LIVE IN THS COUNTRY?) 4 71 82 89 SCOWtO OCT 24 NOV 22 SAOnTAUUS NOY 23 A oea a cal of your Zodiac birth sign I 31 luLr 2 YOU 3 Keep 4 Romano 5 May 6 Plod 7Devefcp'' 8 Hove 9D6m lOOr 11 Much l2An 13Dw 14 At 15 Active l6Attractew 17A 18PI0M 19 toy 20 Cheer 21 rom 22 Constructive 23 Mam 24 Big 25 Mix changes the color of the rainbow so that some rainbows show mere red some show more blue and so on 4 Sometimes the color from th two rainbows are mixed such as the red from one mixing with the green from the other and we get a rainbow with a lot of yellow! UN TIME The Riddle Be What table a leg 1a stand on? 2 Why do we buy clothes? 3 Why is there no soch thing as a whole day? w( Answer The multiplication table jY Because' we get them for nothing 3 Because it begins by breaking OWKON PK A JAN 2 54 69 75 Kg AQUMHUI JAN 21 AMI MAR 22 APft 20 yjil 19 21 37 52 TAURVAML 21 iWmayii i Can' suddenly turn into acts And dreams can soar farther than birds And ideals can change into fact' One day all the world will clasp hand? As arguments falter and cease And over the discordant lands Will hover bright angels of iTb Aiocltil NewxxpflJ 1 Answer to Prviou Puzzle Tell Me Why! GOD MERET I CAN SnKifrruiNC HAPPEN ID THE ruue wju i oiiqsr qiwc twc Mt ICUtK ORDERS UCMUHV ncrc! CANCM JUNE 23 JULY 23 8 12 18 '4040 79 80 uo JULY 24 AUG 23 55 5W5 708086 Vteoo 1 6 4S4E RJ51 70 76 Mr and Mrs Charles Ray Hil dreth 213 A Helmick St girl Mr and Mr Homer Jackson reely 827 24th St boy Mr and Mrs William Joseph Hennessy 716 Caren Dr boy Mr and Mrs Richard rank lin Butts 8033 Diggs Rd boy Mr and Mrs Lawrence Benja min Smith 428 Peachwood Lane Lynnhaven boy Mr and Mrs Robert Alexander Runnels 831 Bagnall Rd boy Mr and Mrs Robert Wane Lar son 863 35th St girl Mr and Mrs Ernest Lee Sty ron 2710 Ike St South Norfolk boy and Mrs Charles William Spicer 6659 Virginia Beach Blvd boy Mr and Mrs Bruce Walker Smith 1037 A 25th St boy Mr and Mrs Virgil Edward ansher 3069 Inca Court twins girl and boy Mr and Mrs James ranklin McNeal 5411 A Baffin Rd girl Mr and Mrs Noble Neal Pre witt Pr 6149 Military Highway girl Mr and Mrs Bobby Lee Harp er 210 Government Ave girl Mr and Mrs Lewis Laverne Cornett 7912 Wherry Dr boy Anagram Puzzle RULES WE UNDER STAND SIR? I DID I sw POTTY IS THIS HAVING OR DINNER? you they may be ight 5 You havent anyboy friends lat haven't met I GUE95 THATS ALL COL CANYON A 1 i dii 1 1 li I oSwiP' i W'li i M'imtnr Mrs Benzine stand the So she eased the pants eater off PURP AROUND THE HOUSE HER ON SOMEBODY ELSE NOW LISTEN TO OPINION Of BALTD WAS ANDWE QUOTE! HER GLOWING DESCRIPTION HIM 5 THAT DOES IT We I KNOW GIVE HIM A A I Simply must give i good home? an adorable 4LO that DOG SO WELL NO RUINING THE WHOLE TROUBLE AT ALL yOULL NEVER I HOUSE I CAN'T KNOW HE'S IN THE HOUSE STAND HIM ONLY REASON GIVE impossible' 51 him up moving 'NOMEALASKA NAT TIP 70 tXWW cTm Clark turr Syndicate? Inc WorldVightH OZQ lO I A 011 sJ 1U teMk 7 Ari THEY NcfcbTO 4 1 I nv i li KrXTL I 2 Ml i III MV I I II I fWi 4k DI I 1 1 1 NOW YOU KNOW I'M JI 1 HAVE I NUtiLJLHAI LAHTlhi bT l' II 111 PMnilCiH XX Lvjna a i i HAVE THfe LX BOTH US WILL rUHCK! ARTMtr VI 1 A Ate rj 1 1 Wtw rMT tl Si I Bob I MB: wAm 'M '1 1 1 I a Wit 1 JTT WM 2 I 'I i i ii i mivi i nr Mini ic At MSB AMI Jfc 2 rj ru ft riu nif wiLa er inikjn mui vr nn an a I i 1 ULiru a rt 9 I I NO JUnlUKr tuU kc nu a rurnns 4WUJWU 1 DAQlTinN TH MflVt I EL LEJ 1 a ar r' RIB 1 an xioom at a Erwranniirarro rnc rii i i 1 1 i BMmnnr wrnrzrriwi mimf wiMnsMHiiMMi vrsu 3M I I cap I 'll I MHW MW Z7 sai Uli £'LA Wf 7Cr AS 1 I sa MMWhTi WRWfftl IM I xioi OASOl INI ALLIY 7 'J 11 '1 11 rJV II ECMTM VPCUIM a XZ A AZ A TA LJ XMaL La I Luiii vec marae uwj ever occur i Hnvwav uuiunv iv never wiew wi iiui I mi I I UaL I m' inu i rMiin I MTV ID Ell ICMYaLATI KlllIJY It I 1 A i LU I 9 it A A vrxi wyuipt? vr XLkTJ uO 4m 1 kind or man 1 2iv tan xr i 1 a I 1 1 A A It i a aa I pw A ivf uivy rnrn i ii i i arrat rr aa AM a a llir'fa mm AMumt fi rr oofi a 1 1a avaxiiw 1 ivy iv A 1 a au a MMI JAMy I 4 Ml 7 I Ct I hm It '1 I zl i Li 11 I I yfJr rL HI "1 'va i'v 1 I Jr ft vt JiL rojjcy tPJr XnA 'te gooc5 QUESTIONS? WHAT tS A VMETHOO a 1 I I1 I I11 il MHr a la W1' tt 5 fr 7 mXm iw an tfCARDJeutlta anaaaa aaiaaa i 1CL AW 9JO aw Tz I 5 xs I 1 1.

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Ledger-Star from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Views: 6540

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (73 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.