The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)

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The Virginian-Piloti

Norfolk, Virginia

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Norfolk Virginian Pilot Wednesday April 25 1951 Twenty three Shipyard Auto Tags a TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY CLINTON BOYCE 1 SPREI GLASGOW Classified Ads ooo Oo Po Musicau iffiAUTO pfigj HIV) AY AT CfTYUIMTToBI WED and PHILCO THURS EATURES 7:1 1 0:1 5 STAIMrt MEETINGS Pro! (eraM Wtr 1 OR SALE their families taught by Miss Eve 1 lyn Webb of Alexandria field con MERVIS 2 NOW 9LIDJ1N CO ELED MVIN TWEAT and only Response Good As Chest Testi ULL LINE LEE WORK CLOTHES COMPLETE LINE SWEET ORR AND LEE WORK CLOTHES DO YOUR Sprinq Dedicates New Band Building TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY DOORS OPEN AT 6:45 IRST SHOW AT 7:15 OOO ooo oOIxo OOO ooo Portsmouth Resident Elected State Club Official Norfolk Naval Shipyard Police Department began issuing 1951 base tags Monday at the police station Old tags will be void after May 23 The new tag is in the form of a You con bo sure of how Olga wiN perform It bums with a door blue flame yields more heat for each coal dollar and provides greater comfort I sticker which is placed on the windshield behind the rear view mirror All individuals now possessing base tags have to return the old tags and present a liability insur ance policy before receiving a 1951 tag Tags are being issued at the snipyara ponce station 9 fid UJRLDO PRINTS SUPPLY CORPORATION DIAL 76200S24 CRAWORD ST EDERATION VICE PRESI DENT Miss Georgiana Wood house of Portsmouth who has been elected junior vice presi dent of the Virginia ederation of Clubs The election took place at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington The con vention began Monday and will end today UNION LOCAL 550 TATSE with fume free easy flowing synthetic rubber emulsion wall finish Spied SATIN 2ot Coal uel Healing Equipment I DIAL 7 4628 I Our 41 st An Old irm In A New Building outlaw huntjm OiAnoAfA Msroy Portsmouth Sells 16000 State Automobile Tags Nearly 16000 State vehicle license plates have been sold at the office of City Treasurer Mary Hudgins since the 1951 plates went on sale March 15 Total sales Including all types of vehicles reached 15633 last Saturday but this figure reflected significant over the number sold last year Miss Hudgins said The office has received 22000 plates an increase of about 2000 over the number assigned for 1950 The influx of civilian war workers and service personnel is expected to reflect an increase in State auto mobile license plate sales City Collector A Parker said over 4000 city 'automobile license plates have been sold These tags were put on sale when the new State tags became available City tags officially go on sale May 1 Deadline for buying the 1951 city tags is May 31 PORTSMOUTH APPLIANCE AND SERVICE CO SALES DEPARTMENT 1 5 HIGH ST DIAL 73495 92488 SPRED SATIN drie in 20 I minutes paint a room in an evening and use it the same night! No explosive hazard! 14 beautiful ready mixed colors Positive washability ALM SZSAKALl BILLY DE WOLE GLADYS GEORGE OAVIO BUTLER eaturing PHILCO i Balanced Beam TV COMBINATIONS Large Tunnel Bluefield A new double track railway tunnel 7052 feet long near here is said to be the largest of its kind in the world although not the longest It is 32 feet high and 31 feet wide Inc 409 COURT ST PHONE 75853 lowers for AU Occasions Wa Telegraph lowers LAST TIMES AT 7 and 9 "TOMAHAWK" IN TECHNICOLOR HELIN YVONNE DE CARLO TOM and SERVICE DEPARTMENT 414 GREEN DIAL 92485 gf f(y Several Hundred Persons Avail Selves of Chance to i Take Tuberculosis Checkup Suffolk April 24 mass ray campaign got off to a good awni luudjr wiui several nundred persons getting their chests tested for tuberculosis Two mobile ray units the gadgets that photograph the inner aspects of the human chests were stationed in the city all day and business was good This mnrnJ ing alone 300 people were in the ray mobile in front nf Main Street Methodist Church The: I unit at East End Baptist! Church also was reported doing excellent business The ray cameras will be snap ping away at the same locations every' day this week through ri day The work is being done by State Health Department techni clans and the Suffolk Nansemond County Tuberculosis Association is sponsoring the campaign TB Asoociation officials pointed out that no charge is made for the rays They are available to anyone 15 years old or older Mrs Elmore executive sec retary explained that no one is too old to have an ray Manv TB cases occur among people over 60 she pointed out Members of the Junior Club assisted the TB Association in clerical work incident to the ray survey today and will continue to do so through Thursday Those scheduled to help were Mrs Midkiff Mrs Underwood Mrs Charles Pratt Mrs Garratt Mrs Roll ings Mrs Holland Mrs Carr Mrs H' Davies Mrs Rob ert Worrell Mrs Thaxton Brown Mrs Halt Jr Mrs James Helmer Miss Jaunita Johnson Mrs Ward and Mrs Wallace Gwaltney Beginning Thursday afternoon members of the Junior Volunteer Service Corps will furnish clerks Mrs Robert Hall Ballard is chair man of that group Training School In Isle of Wight Will Hear Bland Suffolk April 24 Dr Bland Suffolk dentist will address the seniors of Isle of Wight County Training School Wednesday in ob servance of for Citi zenship The special week Is being ob served in Negro high schools of this area in cooperation with Ep silon Iota Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity The fraterni ty national organization is spon soring the observance throughout the nation according to Lovell Turner chapter president The activities started with an address last riday by William Hopkins before the seniors of Southampton County Training School at Courtland Turner prin cipal of East Suffolk High School the BooeriT Washington High School seniors here Monday and Dr Bland addressed the East Suffolk seniors today last TIMES at 7 and "DALLAS" INTECHNICOLOR roman TOMORROWANDH Gladstone Photo RITES TODAY Capt Davis Whitehurst 74 of 409 Har rison Street Portsmouth second oldest captain in the service of the Portsmouth Norfolk County erries who died in a Norfolk hospital at 8:50 a Monday He will be buried this afternoon in Oak Grove Cemetery The body will be taken from Sturtevant uneral Home to Wright Memo rial Methodist Church at 2 to lie in state until the funeral at 3 Parent Teacher Groups Arrange The annual spon soredrby the John Marshall" and Ann Street TA will be held ri day at Inc 307 High Street Home made cakes pies cup cekes and jotato salad will be sold during the sale which begins at 10 a Mrs Renn general chairman said Mrs Gar land and Mrs Reed are co chairmen Mrs Renn said the proceeds from the sale would be used to further the school program SET PICTURED ABOVE49995 Plus Warranty and Tax I School Board Officials Teachers and Students Attend Ceremonies i In the presence of A Mapp Sr superintendent of the Ports mouth public school system Mrs Emily Spong president of the city School Board other members of the board Robert Sweeney prin cipal of Woodrow Wilson High School as well as students and par ents of students of the high school the new band building of Wood row Wilson High School was dedi cated at 8 last night This building also will serve as an auxiliary unit for the high school in providing space for over flow classes Need of a band building long was the subject of discussions at meetings of the school board The building is on the school groundsin the rear of the high school gymnasium and is one story It has spacious facilities for the high scjhool band and its equipment as well as space for overflow classes COLLECTION Included No during a few Paris 1 Special caunwu mchmks to scon tDoolins OKLAHOMA George Macready Louise Allbritton John Ireland Virginia Huston Charles Kemper as Admission Prices: 2 Adolfs $125 Car ull Children ree TELEVISION WEEK HOWELL'S loral Shop lowers or All Occasions 520 MIDDLE ST Phono 75571 Nights 76248 We Telegraph lowers Mils SttVw Miss Georgiana Woodhouse! 1917 campaign di rector and chairman of several Ptamed as Junior Vice committee and departments Pre president at Waahintrtnn viously she served as the junior rresiaeni at wasmngton secretary and treasurer of the Vir Miss Georgiana Woodhouse of ederation of Clubs Portsmouth was elected junior a member of the vice president of the Virginia ed fard of the YMCA and the Beta eratiorf of Clubs af the gIPa hi Sorority and Monumen Convention held this week at the Methodist Church Shoreham Hotel Washington During the art exhibit at the The convention began Monday and lconvention Mrs Claude Goodwin ends today was awarded first prize for her After graduating from Mary pastel drawingf the Washington College Miss' Wood Delegates attending the conven house attended Columbia lUniver tion were Mrs Carlisleity At the present time she is and Mrs Ralph Stokes Jr Other teacher of business education at members present from Portsmouth Woodrow Wilson High School were Mrs Barnabas Baker Mrs Miss Woodhouse is active in Malcolm Beaz'ley Jr Mrs many civic and church ofganiza Brennaman Mrs Harry Clay tions: Mrs Paul Hanbury and among ottices sne has held in onyanna isnepnera the Portsmouth Junior Club are: President vice president Licensed to Wed The following couple obtained marriage license yesterday in the office of the clerk of the Court of Hustings: Armand John Dion 23 USN of Lowell Mass and Margaret Mary Rufiance IS of Lowell Mass The following couples obtained a marriage licenses yesterday in the office of the Norfolk County clerk: Joseph Nathaniel ox 22 USN I of 3417 Brest Avenue Norfolk and Marlene Rose Powers 21 of 1723 Chesapeake Drive South Norfolk Ronald Albert Grimm 22 USN of New Wilmington Pa and June airfax Meekins 24 of 105 Carter Street VI or I DEATHS SMITH In the Medical College of Vir ginia Hospital Richmond Va at 5:58 iMonday morning April 23 1051 after an illness of several months WILLIAM CHAM PION SMITH 60 husband of Mrs Haye Savage Smith uneral services will be held WEDNESDAY ATERNOON at 2 in Broad Street Methodist Church riends Court Happenings Of City and County Court of Hustings Judge Cases Tried Commonwealth vs Bennie Cooke assault and vagrancy De fendant acquitted on first charge verdict of guilty on second and sen tenced to six months in jail and given $50 fine Commonwealth vs Mildred Jones assault Plea of not guilty entered and jury waived Acquit ted Commonwealth vs Prophet I White violating Title 60 112 ound guilty sentenced to 90 days in jail with sentence suspended on condition of restitution and fined $25 and cost Commonwealth vs Theodore Nixon cohabitation and violation of Title 4 58 Acquitted on first charge ound guilty on second charge and sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $50 Portsmouth Circuit Court Judge loyd Kellam Appointments Mrs Mary Pappas as executrix of the estate of the late John Pan art? wviieaa io aiiena uas xsonu OI QiouVv DOS Lea Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery apr24 2t wort ft aTTk County Circuit Court At the residence No 7 ar 1 Tnirra a ragrut Street Cradock (Portsmouth) Va I Judge ldward Ij Oast ra AIonday April 23 10511 Cases Tried Commonwealth vs Richard vx nurreu auu aaumerix pf the late Benjamin ranklin and Mrs teeU burglary Continued generally The body was on motion of defense taken to the Snellings uneral Home where I liuneral services will be held WEDNESDAY) Commonwealth VS Joseph Bry afternoon at 3:30 o'clock riends and I ant Ayscue and Cecil Joseph Lee: I acquaintances are invited to attend Burial grand larrpnv Ve rHint nnt I I will be in Olive CAmnfAi slIKl larceny erQlCC HOt STUlltV GENERAL MOTORS CHOSE I At Melfa at for Ayscue Lee found guilty and I Monday April 23 1951 after a long in sentenced to four years in prison Lee UNION ALLS I Earl Sum Via nhliVl Matthews Terrace and daughter of the neG unlawful parking ound guil OR THE MEN WHO OPERATE THE I PTate Bunyon Weaver and Mrs Sarah ty fined $100 and given a 10 dayl alA I this T( Wednesday) 11 susPended sentence Injunction is 1 1 clock at the Snelling uneral Home sued to keep defendant from un i a a 1 1 acnuaintance8 are invited to I lawfullv awin uasvwtiwd 1 1 attend Bunal will be in onv TtranH I wiuiiy parKing again cemetery it Commonwealth vs Herman Leon I In a'Norfoik hospital' ulmer Leaving scene of accident Motlon ofdfense WHITEHURST 74 husband of Mrs Kate uance granted I Whitehurst and son of the late Thomas I Sult Instituted iditTwedS: Robert Johnson vs day) afternoon at 3 at wright Express Inc motion for judgment tery it alleging that in ebruary 19ol at in aval tiase defendants auto col lifted with thn rUnlntlfPc! vciMaIa SEABOARD LODGE I'JO A Ac A Af I i ur lI ri A An Emergent Communication of this I thereby demolishing it and Ten cst Lodge will be held In the Masonic derlng it Of no Use Temple on Court Street THIS Appointments April Southern Bank of Norfolk as I Bumness: or the purpose of paying the guardian of James Harold Wil i last tribute of respect to our deceased Hams an infant nf teht vppre friend and brother II A Holt I udiijs an iiiiani oi eigHL years All Master Masons are cordially invited Bond of $5000 posted Byrder of the Worshipful Master WILLIAM TALMAGE it guardian of Wanda Whitehurst York rite Recep an infant of five years Bond of ktZ REE VIRGINIA $2500 posted GRAND OICERS MOST WOR U7 shipful ri dolph Cooke Etta Loubach as administra nVnd mghtVment ctS: trix of the State Of the late Merritt Whv are Lee Work Clothe th I myers will be held p3 uuumtai ounu oi $avuu posiea nay are Lee woric uiotnet the 1 11 iin the armory (isoo seats) choice of men in all typex of work? I avenue and south i II STREET APRIL 27 1951 AT 1 1 Because exclusive Lee fabric I Ked CVOSS wear longer and wash better I welcomes all brethren Lee give you I MMITTEE' rOPl 10 Chapter perfect fit lasting comfort bet I OR SALE 1 ter appearance I Ideal country home 2 I rndflV II story 4 bedrooms hardwood floors hot A A 650 Value! Slight irregulars! I sisWo1 April Representa di I DlaI 7ai2a tives of 10 Red Cross chapters in Knaki Blue I REAL ESTATE OR SALE Eastern Virginia will convene here Herringbone I cnre'd nos with Lee Realtor ridaY for a home service train SPECIAL! OeOUI for any information concerning: real es Png conference I I tate and insurance Our service Is The meetinv will be In pccnnrp! I free 501 County St Dial 73430 meeting win De in essence a snort course in Red Cross sen if you want your property I ice in behalf of servicemen and i call Listing with us insures immediate and un 1 suitant for the Red Cross in the ceasing action by our entire staff eastern area of the United Jtates All the skill experience resources and The Suffolk ranklin and Smith energy of our organuation is concen field ned Cross chantera will ho rated on your requirements Repre neu vross cnapiers will De sentation by costs no more represented at the session to be GALL ROY A briggs inc held from 10 a to 4 at the Legion Home here REALTORS I 431 COUNTY STREET PORTSMOUTH Suffolkl ThT Youth dial 92459 Choir of Oxford Methodist Church 203 204 Monticello arcade I will meet ednesday at 7 at the church for rehearsal accord PUMUUA aiosa ing to Mrs Crocker director Drainage Level KcriT I New Orleans Drainage area of 5 room unfurnished apartment in I New Orleans lies below sea level Port Xortolk 100 Maple Terrace cor and also below the Ipvol of tho ner Douglas Ave heat and uelow ne level Ot me hot water Apply within Mississippi River Two Distinctions Washington The Gilbert Ellice islands comorise the territory in the world to straddle both the equator and the interna tional date line i Speed of Light Light travels about 5880 billion miles in a MOUTH 4 4 Vri ve Wil I f' I I Ir I i Erj Open Starts I 12:45 TOMORROW I LAST ill DAY "SWORD MONTE CRISTO' Color4jgy 9 IzKIV i I 1 ATON LAST DAY MATINEE 3:15 NIGHT 7:00 9:00 I a nev SHWKV (Ta Kina oi i Roonev! 1 LADIES LWLUINIAL DINNERWARE 0PEN Now Playing I fesf fls theGy! I I Oil i gy JBIIiljl I ml I 1 I i II 1 1 1 A I o5X 1 TffWi i ifrh ir WB 9 ll i Hl lll 1 ISKk I vi i'll Lm i 1 "iiBU NB WtCTTB I iKentucMan II a ejr wm BMVy 4s Au: Al' IkL a yXA 1 WaV'a IBfl A I Wi I I 1 11 1 iv WS EfWI UAl i i 7 HIT Ti WT3 Vivi I Bay 1 BB 5 1 yk 1 1 Ah XC5y7 11 I BbH lBB MA 1 wt 1 jl I I I I 1 1 I I I I 4 1 1 I 1 iL 1 jEByOLGAd SI Al I I 9 I I lj I I RECORD 1 1V AVfAMT fS Mr Ilk County ACADEMY AWARD A Bugs Bunny SHORT Cartoon "GRANDAD "Rabbit of Seville" RACES'' Ot ELCD DELTA?.

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The Virginian-Pilot from Norfolk, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.