The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN TUESDAY AUGUST 18 1925 Women Start Play for on the Slab Tourney Start's Well National Singles Title RESULTS EASTERN LEAGUE the got HELEN WILLS AMERICAN LEAGUE IN PRO TOURNEY kept 5 30(5 DAVIES NATIONAL LEAGUE 66 Too Much for Pittsfield Won Pittsburg ClUCI 0 Albany Shortstop Serious PITTSIELD WILL to PLAY HERE TODAY feated the po He and 4 4 4 0 1 0 Wooch 3 1 0 1 10 ab 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 4 10 Totals Julien 0 4 0 1 4 Spates 0 4 Miss Carlotte Hosmer of San rancisco Virginia Carpenter Philadelphia 6 i 3b 0 0 0 0 A YLOE MATCHED How would you Horse Racing Results define the word AT SARATOGA 2 year oIds 61 4 3 year olds at Sh 260 Opequon Sh Sh 1( Martin Sue him equal the Tec Sh 350 po Martin cf 0 Pl St Sh 118 ort 4 4 0 3 0 2d Scorcher the St Sh 1 3 0 1 4 0 Sh 65 7 5 Woods Co 311 313 Main Street AT CONEY ISLAND nflBIIBBIM IRST 3 furlongs maiden 2 year 0 1 a 0 0 0 0 the one O' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 64 63 Moore Bowman 1 4 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 same territory in the was on base on either hits well if it had not been for 3 4 1 0 of all made period of 40 years only been playing St 40 4 4 4 4 0 0 0 Ran for Sehaufcl in 8th Batted for Bishop in 8th 0 490 420 0 0 show cases Kathleen Mrs 536 496 481 463 412 Mayer Lerainc Bachand Davies 4 4 4 7 10 Boy 1 1 0 0 0 1 Paw three the The 1 1 1 0 0 491 491 448 Long3 Gouger Worcester Albany 0 a 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 o' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 5 5 4 i Butler 2 0 0 jTaylors 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 (AP) with Ware ll 0 0 0 0 0 6 Sh 460 430 840 Skir ab 3 4 4 po 1 4 0 0 0 0 Pirates watched the from the grandstand innings: Moore Collins! Pl 8 60 Sh 8 the two Baltimore Toronto Chester Buffalo Sh 360 270 vour rugs 3810 Pc661640 105 1100 108 107 Lord Meisc Cincinnati Si Louis Brooklyn Philadelphia Boston ran Object Theodore Sh 310 290 Lr PC 65 488 66 480 65 59 56 Shay 2 Hesse 1 Rondeau 1 Kenna game The 50 47 590 400 Stengel Worcester Schinkel Hartford Standaert Springfield Pittsfield Stapleton Waterbury Dberc Springfield Herrera Springteld Hermann Albany Van Alstyne Albany Phillips Albany EDDIE SKULL RACTURED 0 3 0 0 0 0 62 65 6 Lost 51 Boston Aug 17 (AP) ran cis Hogan was released on option by the Boston Braves today to the Albany club of the Eastern league it was announced by the management here Hogan was a star player for Somerville High school last spring and joined the National league club at the end of the school season 0 2 0 round Wes of 9 3 71 professional Island was an extraor OREIGN STARS MALTREATED ON NEWPORT COURTS 553 553 530 513 501 106 496 356 HELEN WILLS ACES HER HARDEST BATTLE defeat Burk If Wilson! Stengel cf Wight iKibbies Spei berr Smith typically sense of Havana mellow 7 0 0 STRONG GOLERS REPRESENTING EAST Moriarty Moge Local Boys With Riyal Teams at 1 0 0 i Groves RESULTS New York 3 2 No other games scheduled called out on hocks that cut the very heart of st 8 claiming purse $1400 Horse and Jockey Shampoo (Hoffman) Caroline (McCoy) Buttercup (Hastings) Also ran Aquiesce Estin St' 880 'Sh out out out Horan Lost 87 40 fOST AND STARR CLOUT HOME RUNS year olds and handicap hitting of Teddy Hauk and Bowman was the offensive of the day The former col GAMES TODAY Philadelphia at St Louis Washington at Cleveland Boston at Chicago New York at Detroit year olds $1500 added Young Champion Wins Her irst Match But So Do 10 Other Players Including Elizabeth Ryan 36 11 27 14 1 3 0 last a mild it mean that the cigar has been robbed of any its full bodied mellowness and sat isfaction The extra sweetness of taste and aroma made possible by the best Havana crop since 1915 is to be had in each of the popular Rob1 Burns sizes To be had wherever General Cigar brands are 6 3 3 0 0 (L) po a 0 4 ATHLETICS BEAT PIRATES IN NINTH BY TALLYING OUR Ran for Taylor in 3d of Berkeley Cal over Mrs Eickle of Toronto former Ca champion 6 0 6 3 Jacobs blond of the national her grey haired rc 602 It iheans that the cigar he is smoking is carefully made to give just the right amount of smoke with each draught He can thus smoke one after another with steady enjoyment hour after hour day after day 0 0 Sacri bases Left on Double 0 Home 0 1 0 0 iMtrmc 0piCTy13 ab 4 ive Go Out in irst Round of Invitation Tourney Chapin Loses Love Set Johnston Wins Newport I Aug 17 The grim reaper of elimination severed play of five of the 12 foreign stars en tered 'in the ninth international vitation tennis tournament on Walter Snodgrass on his honey arrive today to postpone their first round matches until morrow 3 3 Sh 910 520 4 70 Blarney McKane ot England de Taylor of New York 6 2 Mallory of York de HiEies will be the attrac tion at League park today in a sin gle game with Hampdens So far this season the Hampdens have taken nine games from the Hillies and dropped five The teams play a double header in the Berkshires tomorrow and one game Thursday making a four game set Today leet Mayberry is the prob able Springfield pitcher leet has won his last two starts beating Al bany twice last week and his last vic tory twirled here was a five hit af fair It Is likely that Art MEls will do the flinging for John Collins's out fit Special interest attaches to today's game in that Bill Moriarty former isk Red Top catcher is doing the backstopping for the Hillies and do ing a good job of it while Al Moge Brightwood boy is itching for a chance in a league for the Hampdens and may get it any time He broke into the lineup yesterday at Bridgeport batting for Saunders in the ninth and touching off a single! Jmash Jack grew stronger as fame lagged retiring six men trikes in the last five innings After pitching shutout ball for failings Saunders weakened in New York Aug' Bud Taylor Terre Haute bantamweight was matched today to box Bushy Gra ham of Utica in a 12 roun bout next Monday night at the Quoensboro Athletic club 0 0 0 olds: purse 0130(1 Horse and Jockey Timothy (Canfield) Ed Burke (E Poole) Shotwell (Givens) Also ran Ace of Diamonds lord Scampaway Bok Best SECOND RACE furlongs claiming purse $1400 Time mile Blyear olds Time 138 Wt Home Run Hitters In Eastern League po a 0 3 1 WATERBURY (EL) 0 Leary cf 1 Torphy1 0 I Heigeth3 THIRD claiming purse $1400 Horse and Jockey San Silk (McCoy) Reliable "(Hastings) Antonia (Canfield) 1 STANDINGS 3 year olds Timo j40 Jpecial Dispatch to The Republican I Bridgeport Ct Aug Jack Ho hn pitched superb ball while Saun ers suffered streaks of wildness and fas not given the best of support by is teammates and Bridgeport de feated Springfield 6 to 3 in" the final tame of their three game series at Kewfleld park today The victory gave gie Bears the edge in the series Two Home Huns 1 unusual feature for Newflelc lark was the fact that two homers kere made in the same game It Is low three years since two circuit feallops were registered in the same iontest at the Eagle street pasture1 Sam Post drove the pill over the right leld barrier in the third while Bernie Starr's hit rolled under the score oard in 16 year old girls' title more ex Hebert Mi rancis Hogan Comes Into Eastern League 57 58 58 56 58 67 GAMES TODAY Pittsburg at Brooklyn Chicago at New York St Louis at Boston (two games) Cincinnati at Philadelphia (two games) HEN a real judge of cigars enthusi astically muses Hartford Takes on ex Hillie Receiver The Hartford club has signed Catcher Lowrey backstop who has been with the Pittsfield Hillies Tire Senators have been seeking a catcher for some time to help Eddie Kenna who is much lighter than the average league backstop Dixon who was Renna's assistant at the start of the season was re leased and Al Meuter secured from the Giants was turned back after a brief trial The veteran Mickey laherty has been on the roster a long time but has seen little actual service Philadelphia 72 Washington 71 Chicago 61 Detroit 55 St Lon Is 55 Cleveland 52 New York 47 Bostan 34 Babe Ruth Equals Record Tau'nton Somersetshire Eng Aug 17 (AP) Joy burned in the hearts of most Britishers tWroughout the world today for mighty Jack Hobbs the Babe Ruth of cricket has scored his 126th thus equalling the world's record set by Dr Grace in 1904 A is 100 runs in a single inning England's king of swat also equat ed another that of scoring 13 centuries in a single season This was held by ry another famous o'd time cricketer Dr Grace who was known ns greatest cricketer his record over a while Hobbs has since 1905 Thousands saw ord When the game was adjourned Saturday night he had only nine rums to make and special trains were found necessary to transport all the enthusiasts from London and other cities desiring to see him comnlete the tying Special Dispatch to The Republican New Haven Ct Aug 17 star twirler of the New Haven club who is vieing with Garland Braxton of Springfield premier pitching honors in the Eastern league this season turned in a beautiful game against the Pittsfield Hillies at IVeiss park this afternoon It was his brilliant work that gave the locals a 7 to 1 victory over the visitors in the final game of the series and kept the Profs in the running for the leader ship of the league Davies besides winning his ISth game turned in a record for the season when he struck out 13 Pitts field batsmen this feature of his twirling being the outstanding factor in the visitors' defeat In two in nings he whiffed all three men and two others he struck out two hitteis When the Hillies weren't swinging futilely they were being wide sweepi arid plate 260 340 Sun Bradley's Toney in the grass courts of the Newport Casino today The national champions of Canada and Mexico and' three of the Oxford Cambridge English stars were crushed but in only one match did the element of an upset occur Crocker Defeated Willard Crocker singles champion of Canada was the victim of the lone upset Crocker a seeded star bowed to the fierce play of Jose Alonso of the Spanish Davis cup team but only after a bitter three set struggle The Dominion titleholder won the opening set but the effort was too strenuous and he lost the decision 5 7 6 4 In the other matches play went ac cording to form! William John ston of San rancisco Cal defending champion who already has two legs on the challenge trophy came through safely against Louis Dailey ot East Orange while a na tional champion 'of the days of old William Clothier of Philadelphia titleholder in 1906 won his match against a local favorite Claude Butlin singles champion of Mexico was unable to hurdle How ard Voshell of Kew Gardens and the Mexican Davis cup star was defeated 6 3 6 2 Edward laquer of Spain aided two American stars in disposing of the three Oxford Cam bridge players laquer defeated Lezard in one of the best matches of the day 4 6 9 7 while Percy I Kynaston of Rockville Cen ter was too great a barrier for Sumner and the Englishman' fell Chapin Threatened The other Britisher to tumble was Jonklass who was the victim of a lefault He wired he would be un able to reach here before tonight but the officials defaulted to itch of Baylor university Tex Alfred Chapin Jr of Spring field Mass one of the seeded stars also had a hard fight to remain in tne competition Dana of tucket I carried Chapin to sets and gave him a thrill in second set by winning at love scores were 6 3 0 6 6 0 Play advanced to the third with few exceptions brook and Harvey California the former moon were unable to and officials consented Occasion Horan icattered and pair of errors in the first inning he Hampdens would have been let town with a single run Post's circuit the on 0 Howman Haul: Two base hits Three base hits Bowman 0 iB'edicti miles maiden 3 vpar steeplechase purse $1200 runs Stolen bases Herrera Drew SENATORS SHARE IRST PLACE NOW Vincsp it it i 1 0 0 cf Christy bs Danders Hoge fotals Bridgeport Sprtaglield Two base hit Sacrifices Runser bprfrigfield Bridgeport 11 Batted for Saunders in 9th INTEKNATIONATj LEAGUE Runs Wilson 2 Stnnqd Wiht R' Sperber Wooch' Butler inse hits Stengel Munn Solninon nccs Stengel Anderson Stok Sperber Rodrigues Belanger bases Worcester 11 Albany 11 play Vines Eelanger and McCorrv on balls off Wertz 1 off Wonch 3 off Snover (I off Vines 2 Struck out by Verts 2 by Wooch 1 by Snover 3 by Vines 2 Hits off Werts 2 in 2 2 3 innings off Wooch 5 in 1 3 Innings off Snover 8 in 4 1 3 innings off Vines 7 in 4 2 3 in nings Hit by pitcher by Werts (Taylor) Winning pitcher Werts Losing pitcher Snover Umpires Rorty and Kuhn Time Tom Boyd Leads ield of Metropolitan District Quali fiers With 1 4 1 Willie Klein Runner Up New York Aug 17 (AP) Eastern professionals will be represented by a strong aggregation in the annual pro fessio 'nal golfers' association cham pionship to be played at Olympia fields Chicago next month Boyd Tops ield Thirteen qualified in the metropoli tan district (ests at the ox Hills par 70 course on Staten Island today and Tom Boyd the home instructor led the list with 141 his rounds being arl 70 Willie Klein from Garden City Long close behind by virtue of dinary 66 i 'n the morning Klein's first round failed to one hole over par and in four has artful clubs molded birdies High up in the list came Henry and Mike Brady veteran from winged foot who was metropolitan open champion a year Sarazen who captured the metropolitan at Grassy Sprain this year attained the select 13 along with JohTiny arrell and Jack orrester with 149 just low enough to squeeze in Leo Diegel twice Canadian title holder and Tommy Harmon were in s'jie with 147 While Tommy Armour Danny Williams Tom Kerrigan and John Golden took one more stroke But there were notables among those who failed in Cyril Walker 1921 ope 'n king whose shots for the pinsi found traps on nurrierous occasions and Joe Turnesa the youthful Penn State champion Turnesa took 151 while Walker could do no better than 154 13 shots behind the leader Tur nesa turned in a singular card in morni ng showing fours on every in coming hole for a 36 Walter Hagen champion of the pro fessionals in 1924 was not required to qualify and will defend his title at Olympia fields The 13 players who qualified: Tom Boyd 141 Willie Klein 142 Henry Ciuci 145 Mike Brady 145 Leo Die gel 14 7 Tom Harmon 147 Tom Ar mour 14S Dan Williams 14S Tom Kerrigan 148 John Golden 148 Jack orrester 149 Gene Sarazen 149 Johnny arrell 149 I I 1 rl I jMSLoAlice rancis of Orange 114 114 Jim TIernev Arrow Hawk Cliff Wairmar a Brook One Hand Stop With Bases ull Kills Wa terbury Rally A Waterbury Ct Aug Hartford went into a tie bury for first place in the Eastern league today by winning the odd game of the series by the score of' 7 to 4 Poor fielding by the local club result ed in their downfall A one hand stop by Leo Durocher of Utitzers liner with the bases filled killing a rally in the third was a feature of' the game The score: HABTORD (ELI po a IRST furlongs claiming purse touuu Horse and Jockey Miss Stanl'y (EBarnes) 1 1 11 Brush by (Johnson) Also ran Mary Jack Reigcr Sarapion Stanisar Taffey Girl wood Anatis SECOND 2 i oias and upward Time 42o 3 5 Horse and Jockey Wt Sun Charmer (Eliot) 148 Miss Smith (M'glcr) 14': 38 14 27 13 1 Hartford 01 02 Waterbury 0 1 0 0 Runs Hess Kenna Schinkel 3 Comiskey 2 Helgeth Donahue artrtdge httc xn nink i rpr T7 rra Wt Alan ha ea 'rvtvi 1 a Rondeau Helgeth Comiskey Mullin avs Hesse Uteritz Partridge and Torphy bases Hartford 8 Waterbury 9 Sets Up Strikeout Record in Winning 18th Game of Season Special Mark Down Slip one marked down to S39' tJshlrts marked down to16 Hosiery marked down to6" 'Hillies Score In Ninth was in exceptional form the Berkshire club oniv seven hits and would have had a shutout but for two successive blows in the ninth inning With one away Thomas singled to Centerfield Purcell then drove the ball just inside the field foul line giving him a double and scoring Thomas Collins struck out and Bedford grounded out for ths finish Davies's control was perfect not a single man being passed and the times were few and far between when the count on any batter reached three and two Manager Collins started Johnson again but as was the cese yesterday the Profs took kindly to his offerings Right off the bat they scored two runs Martin singled to center field and Gleason popped up to Gouger Moore walked but Bowman singled to left field scoring Martin Hauk singled to the same garden Moore being held on third Mayer's sacrifice fly to Collins was deep enough to permit Moore to score Bachand ended the inning by striking out after Lerain had been passed to fill the bases again The third brought about the removal of Johnson Bowman doubled with one out and Hauk singled Mayer got a triple when his drive bounded over Bedford's head in center field Lerain hit a sharp two bagger to left and Johnson's work for the afternoon was over Benedict succeeded him and fared little better Bachand the firJ man to face him hit a high fly to Thomas but Davies tame through with a screaming triple to right cen ter that drive scoring the fourth run of the inning was left stranded when Martin was thrown out by Benedict Moore's 'triple and sacrifice fly to Bmrman gave the Profstheir final run of the game Bedford the visitors' center fielder was ordered from the game and fined 525 by Umpire Barnett when he vigorously protested a called third strike in the fourth inning Several other of the Pittsfield players got into the argument and might have suffered the same fate but for tne timely and wise interference by Manager Col lins Leary was assigned to cover the center field berth when Bedford was chased The Elmer feature lectod four singles and the big fellow grabbed off two singles and a double for his portion The score: NEW HAVEN (EL) PITTSIELD (EL) po Hampdens Beaten by Bridge port in 6 to 3 Confilict Springfield Hurler Is Wild Gets In core: WORCESTER (EL) a ii the 5fth four hits being made off his de livery for a pair of runs The Bears flouted him for three safeties in the leventh two errors and a sacrifice liding in the production of four tal fes The Bears clogged the sacks lhe eighth but fast fielding prevented my score A running catch by Bosse ind a bare hand nab by Batch were Ute fielding features ingfield got an early lead of two funs in the first inning LeBeau's bidor a hit topped off glove and ae was safe at second when Henzes Ifd'pped Batch's throw of frvtmder IeBeau and Henzes Post' walked to fill the sacks and bberc flied to Runser Standaert force Post at second Henzes throwing the sail wild in attempting to complete a double play LeBeau scored on theut while Herrera trotted home on the rilJ peg O'Neil was thrown out at first bv Batch who made a bart band stop of his grounder The Hampdens went out in order in lhe second and Pest hit his homer Aith two out in the third After that the Hampdens never came near scor nh Vailing to hit Saunders for four in nings Starr started off a rally in the fifth with his circuit smash uaS the kem eboard in right field Horan sin glM to left with Burns and Burke making easy outs Batch and Wotell hit siifely to score the pitcher while Henzes flied to Christy for the third started the seventh by draw ing a pass and was safe at second on Satmder's wide peg of Burke's at tempt to sacrifice Batch beat out a bunt as Saunders the ball too 'long Wotell forced Burns at the O'Neil threw the ball wild to first in a double play effort and BrHoa 'scored Henzes cleared the sacks with arlek double that rolled behind short Drew singled to right and stole sec ond Runser lifted a fly to who threw poorly to the plate ind Henzes scored with the final run Of the game Starr flied to Herrera tor the third out The score: I BRIDGEPORT 0 0 BIG ENTRY LIST OR VERMONT TENNIS PLAY Middlebury Vt Aug (AP) Interest in the Vermont State tennis tournament which opens tomorrow morning reached new bights tonight when it was announced that more than 40 have entered for the men's singles and 20 in the doubles Wom en will compete in singles play for the first time this year play prob ably starting on Thursday Rob1 Burns is a mild cigar in this the word ull filler full bodied but so cool and even smoking that it is truthfully termed steady diet BEA TEN A TWO MORE BIG TENNIS TOURNEYS OPEN 33 SPRLNGI IELD ab 4 1 lathing Suits marked down Special on Golf Hose 1 New Haven 2 0 4 Pittsfield 0 0 0 Runs Martin Moore Mayer Iberian Thomas Bowman Lerian Javer Davies Sacrifice Doublp nlavs Davies Olpasnn nnd Mayer Bachand and Mayer Left on bases Pittsfield 4 New Haven 12 Base on balls off Johnson 2 off Benedict 2 Struck out by Johnson 1 by Benedict 1 by Davies 13 Hits off Johnson 7 2 1 3 in nings off Benedict 8 5 2 3 innings Um pires Barnott and Conroy Losing pitcher Johnson Time lh 44xn Equity (McCoy) 102 Also ran b'iretonia Ben ranklin mish Kublar Khan SEVENTH 1 3 16 miles I olds and upward claiming purse $1500 lime i)u Horse and Jockey Wt St 11 Black Wand (Hoffman) U6 4820 1959 Kit (Hebert) 98 830 bongchamps (oe) 108 Mso ran Blue Stone Reelfoot Stone debated Mrs Stanwix of New York 0 Mrs Roescr of New York defeated Ahss Rykert of Canada 6 1 6 1 n' of Boston won front fault Rosarnond e''ton of Boston by de Miss Eleanor Goss of New York defeat GlMiSS 1'rances Bates of New York Miss fcated 0 Pittsburg ans Regard the Tussle' as Sample Series rench Triples With Bases ull Score 9 to 5 Pittsburg Pa Aug A' ninth inning rally which netted them four runs enabled the Philadelphia Americans to defeat the Pittsburg Na tionals in an exhibition game here to day 9 to 5 Each team is leading ita respective league in the pennant dash and local fans regarded the tussle as a sample series The Athletics started with their reg ular lineup with the exception of Hale and Galloway while the only Pirate regulars wj Cuyler McInnis Trav nor and Wright Before the end many substitutes were in action Culloton was on the moud for the Pirates throughout He had two bad innings the first when three runs counted and the ninth when the Americans hammered in four more In this raund feench got a trinie with the bases filled Heimach pitched for the Athletic! for five innings and Grovel finished Connie Mack of the Ath letics and Barney Dreyfuss of th togethef score bXt IfRftrrer 2b Pot lb Jherc vf Standaert by Wer ts Who Retires Albany Aug (AP) Worcester defeated Albany 8 to 1 to day Snover was wild and ineffective in the fifth inning when the visitors scored six times Eddie Taylor Al bany shortstop was hit on the head by a pitened ball the third inning and suffered a fracture of the skull He was removed to a local hospital where it was said his condition is se rious Werts Worcester pneher also retired from the game after Taylor had been injured The 820 Also Trapdale Red Seth Poor Sport Escarpolette Taylor Hay Alice Lang Why Young April Medina Miss Claire Sir Charles OURTH furlongs 3 year olds and upward the Westwood handicap purse i hhj i ime i Horse and Jockey Wt Margie Johnson) 1 1 2 Mavin May (E Poole) 109 Buttin In (Griftin) 109 Also ran Betting Broomster ITH 1 Snrinc: nurse $1700 Horse and Jockey Wt St Bonna Vera (Johnson) 98 16 GO Guest of Honor 105 Samaritan (Scobie) 114 Also ran Vulcan Pack Drowsy Waters Valley Light ire On Sporty McGee 1 SIXTH 1 mile 70 yards 3 year olds and upward claiming purse $1500 nme 16 i Horse and Jockey wt St i Nogales Burke) 112 1140 Miss Elizabeth Ryan California defeat ed Miss Caroma Winn of Mountain Lakes Miss Edith Guiler of New York ed Miss Gallery of Canada Mrs red Lei son of New York defeated Mrs Barger Wallach of New York 3 2 Miss Penelope Anderson of Richmond Va defeated Miss Mildred Brock of To ronto Can 3 0 Jersey City 9 Toronto 1 Providence 6 Buffalo 3 Buffalo 1 0 Baltimore 6 Rochester 2d Rochester 10 Baltimore 8 Syracuse 4 Meaning 5 Standing ot the Clubs Pc I 83 46 644 Keaaing 77 53 W2 ijer City 516 Syracuse496 Provid New Haven Southpaw Strikes Out 13 Setting Record or Season and Winning His 18th Hillies Blanked Until Ninth ugs Need Cleaning? A Royal Vacuum Electric Cleaner us show you how much orest Hills Aug The battle for the national tennis champidhship got under way today with every indication that Helen" Wdls would have the most strenuous tussle of her career in defense of laurels she had held for the past seasons The dark haired California girl off to a victorious start in defense of her crown conquering Mrs Helen Pollak alk of New York 6 2 6 3 in her first match but the other 10 players in the tournament also started triumphantly among them several who loom as particularly dangerous rivals for the title Mrs alk was no match for the champion but she did surprisingly well at times breaking th'rough the Cali fornia girl's service once in each set She rallied in the first set to win two games after Miss Wills had reeled off the first five The champion did not extend herself however Miss Ryan eared Miss Elizabeth Ryan for instance who is looked upon as Miss Wills's foremost opponent performed bril liantly to overwhelm Miss Carona Winn of Mountain Lakes in two love sets in about 20 minutes Miss Ryan a Californian who has just come back to her native land af ter an extended sojourn in England is playing in her first national cham pionship but she already is established by many experts as a 'favorite to celebrate this debut by lifting her first national title Other American stars such as Mrs Molla Mallory Mrs Marion Jessup Miss Mary Browne and Eleanor Goss came through their opening tests without much difficulty but two of the five members of the victorious British Wightman cup team were hard pressed to win Mrs Lambert Chambers veteran captain of the British team was forced to three sets to eliminate Miss Molly Thayer of Philadelphia 4 6 6 2 while Miss Harvey another invader lost the first set to Mrs Stenz of New York before coming through by scores of 5 7 Miss Kathleen McKane ranking British star and another close rival of Miss 'ills advanced without trouble to the second round along with her country women Miss Joan ry and Miss Evelyn Colyer Pair of Upsets While the advance of favorites held the majority share of attention two upsets gave the gallery something of a thrill The more interesting of these was the decisive victory of Miss Helen Jacobs Harry nadian Miss holder played experienced opponent to a standstill The California girl displayed court covering ability versatility and con fidence of a type whioii stamps her as the most promising of the younger players in the tournament Her ac curate driving and fine all around play were more than a match for Mrs Bickle's generalship Miss Martha Bayard of Short Hills No 6 in the national ranking was the victim of the other major up set falling before the steady strok ing of Miss Edith Sigourney of Bos ton who ranks No 14 by scores of 6 5 3 The summaries: Miss Melon Wills Berkeley Cal defeat ed Mrs Helen alk of New York 2 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Chicago 3 Detroit 2 No other games scheduled STANDING THE CLUBS Won Time 100 2 5 Wt St Pl 115 TC0 320 2 GO Waferbnry Hartford New Haven Bridgeport 6ft SPRINGIELD 58 Albany 57 Worcester 57 Pittsfield 41 GAMES TODAY Pittsfiefll at Springfield Hartford at Bridgeport Worcester at Waterbury Defending Champion In omen National STANDING THE CLUBS Lost 43 49 RESULTS Bridgeport 6 Springfield 3 New Haven 7 Pittsfield 1 Hartford 7 Waterbury 4 AVorcester 8 Albany 1 STANDING THE CLUBS Won Hit 63 Two base Three base hit Par Stolen base Comiskey Sacrilces DOU Durocher and Hesse: Left on Base on Hits off uller 12 in 1 3 innings off Bishop 2 in 1 1 3 innings off Rush 0 in 1 inning Struck nut by Spates 2 by uller 1 Wild pitch uller Losing pitcher uller Um pire's Summers Breslin and Stafford Time Philadelphia (A) 3 0 0 1 Pittsburg (N) 2010 vi5 G'oves and Per kiis Betty Culloton and Spencer THIRD 7 furlongs upnara me jnainani 1 added Time 123 2 3 Horse and Jockey Wt Dare Say (Thompson) 92 Priscilla Ruley 12t) Superlette (L ator) 122 Also ran Blissful OURTH 7 furlongs ana upwara tne uatskiii i ime iu 4 Horse and Jockey 7 Brice (Callahan) Buster (Richards) Resolution (C Also ran The Delaware Lockerbie addist Hidalgo ITH 1 mile Round Lake purse $ll09 I Horse and Jockey Wt King Jimmy 1 10 Mirador (Doyle) KH orecaster (Thurber) 110 Also ran Voltaic Blue Ridge SIXTH RACE 5 furlongs maiden year olds purse $'000 Time 108 Dorse and Jockey vt bt Blackmoor (Mniben) 1 18 18 5 Nicharo (M ator) 118 Boot to Boot IIS Also ran lvman errah Winsome Kosciusko Tovland estival Blue Light Nero ill get out of Tel Walnut Carfisk Hardware E' of England defeated Sten2 of New York 5 p'more defeat 4 JL 3' C' CoIlin6'vood of New York foatod MrinkT 90dfrPyn hn of New York Miss Helen Jacobs of ii £atcdcMrS Harry Bicki? oon'c Coyr England defeated mN England 6 1 olo Mis Madeira of na ai tcaitu All Jliss Mary Cii I VQ 1 Has Better of Saunders of Philadelphia dyC I Irnivn a nn a Mrs Theodore SohstT Mi Marion Jessup Wilmington 2MrS Harrison rhiladelpMk! Miss Grierson Ottawa Can defeated Jfiss Jessie Gott New York Hubbard Bostun defeated Mist Cottman Baltimore 1 1 Mrs May Sutton Bundy San rancisco defeated Miss Handy New York 1 Miss Blanke Boston defeated Mist I ab 0 iM'Phees 4 0 Thomas 1 4 A 1 1 1 A 0 0 0 0 1 0 furlongs 3 year olds lime 112 Wt St ri 99 650 4 Hi 113 1620 Drew cf RurSvr SS 34 0 0 0 1 Standaert Left on bases Base on balls Struck out by agSEB irx JSH Win Pitching Is Mprl I I I Leag Z' 3 22 926 Mnin Street Carlisle Building 1 miB wi 1 I MB.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.